Photo by Chubo Han
Soul Anchors

When I Grow Old and Gray

March 4, 2024

"Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God. Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me." – Psalm 71:18, NLT

Growing old is an inevitable part of our human experience, as articulated in Psalm 71:9, where we are reminded that our strength will wane. Throughout our life's journey, we are bound to face physical and emotional challenges: sickness, concerns for our children, caregiving for aging parents, and more. Moreover, we may endure the pain of grief from loss or broken relationships.

Yet, like the psalmist, we need not allow old age or adversity to embitter us. Though he was cognizant of his troubles and feared being forsaken by God, he resolved to remain faithful. Psalm 71 offers guidance on how to reframe our attitudes and responses to life and to God as we grow old and gray.


God as Our Refuge (v. 3). In times of overwhelming trouble, we can always seek refuge in God for encouragement, strength, and solace. Pouring out our sorrows and grievances to Him, we find peace and security, assured that He will neither forsake nor forget us, even in our old age (Isaiah 49:15).

God as Our Hope and Confidence (vv. 5, 14). With advancing age comes the realisation that much in life is beyond our control. Our hope does not rest in fleeting wealth or temporal positions of power. Although the future remains unknown, we anchor our hope in God (Hebrews 6:19), declaring, "You have been my anchor... I will always have hope."

Testifying to God's Power and Faithfulness (vv. 14-18). Reflecting on God's faithfulness in our lives, we pass on testimonies of His power and faithfulness to the next generation. They need to hear our stories and witness how we live out our faith, both in times of prosperity and adversity (vv. 20-21), thereby preserving our Christian heritage.

God's Comfort and Restoration (vv. 20-21). God understands our suffering and promises to comfort and restore us, ultimately bringing greater honour through our trials (v.21). Though our present hardships may seem overwhelming, they serve a purpose in His grand design (2 Corinthians 4:17), and there will be an end to our suffering (1 Peter 1:6-7).

Continuous Worship (vv. 8, 22-24). Rather than adopting a complaining attitude, let us fill our hearts with praise for God. Meditate on His character and attributes, and praise Him for His lovingkindness toward us. Such praise redirects our focus from present circumstances to the God who sovereignly governs our lives.


As older individuals, we have the opportunity to set an example for the younger generation, as beautifully expressed in the lyrics of Steve Green's "Find Us Faithful":

“Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey
Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful”.


May we be found faithful,

Lam Kok Hiang
Leadership Mentor

“ 神啊!到我年老发白的时候,求祢仍不要离弃我,等我把祢的能力向下一代传扬,把祢的大能向后世所有的人传扬”(诗篇71:18,新译本,下同)。


然而如诗人所叙,我们不必因着年纪和际遇而满腹牢骚。诗人虽明白自己的困境又害怕被 神所抛弃;仍旧立志信靠 神。诗篇71篇可为我们指点迷津—如何在人生下半场调整姿态回应生命、面对 神。


神是我的避难所(3节)。每当我们几乎被生活压垮时,可以投靠 神作避难所,在主里寻求平静、重新得力。不妨把内心苦楚和抱怨向 神倾诉,尝尝 神所赐的平静安稳。即使到我们眼茫发苍时,祂必不遗弃我们(参阅以赛亚书49:15)。

神是我的盼望和仰赖(5,14节)。我们随着年龄增长就发觉生命中有好些事情非人所能掌控。我们的希望不应寄托于飘忽的资财或暂时的权位。虽然前景是未知数,我们要把未来交托 神(参阅希伯来书6:19),宣告:“祢是我的盼望⋯⋯我要常常仰望祢。”

我要讲述 神的大能和信实(14-18节)。回顾我们生命中 神的信实,并把有关祂权能和信实的故事告诉下一代。他们需要听见前人的见证,又亲眼看见你和我怎样在顺境逆境中信心坚定(20-21节)。我们如此行就把基督徒信仰传承。

神必搭救及挽回我(20-21节)。 神了解我们的苦难,祂必“增加我的尊荣”又转回安慰搭救信靠祂的人(21节)。尽管今生的考验无比艰难,终究要成全祂的旨意(哥林多后书4:17);况且我们暂时受的苦必有结束的一天(参阅彼得前书1:6-7)。

我要赞美、终日颂扬祂(8,22-24节)。与其埋怨生命,不如满怀颂赞 神。默想 神的位格,因祂的慈爱赞美祂。我们若选择敬拜 神,就暂时忘却目前处境,转而定睛在那掌管万有者身上。


身为长者的应当以身作则,为年轻一代树立榜样,如《薪火永传》(Find us Faithful)歌词所描绘:


—摘自《薪火永传》粤语版, 劉永生填词,史蒂夫·格林(Steve Green)原唱


愿 神视我忠信,


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