Dear Ministry Partner,
With advancement in information technology and artificial intelligence, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between fake news or products and the real deal these days. We are warned about these elaborate schemes that seek to deceive us into believing in something false.
As Christians, do we sometimes put up a false front? This can happen when we, in our weakness, inflate our self-importance to impress others or we lead a double life to hide our true self and identity. The gap between our true self and public persona can deceive others and ourselves.
Paul reminds us in Galatians 6:3, “If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.” The means of deception can sometimes be so subtle that we may even feel that there is no problem with it. For example, we could:
While we may succeed in impressing others with any of the above actions, such conduct will not glorify God and may end up stumbling our fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ. It is better for us then, to live authentically as Christ’s followers. But how do we do that?
Firstly, Paul exhorts us to have an honest evaluation of ourselves, and not to think too highly of ourselves: “Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.” (Romans 12:3, NLT)
When we truly grasp that our true identity is found in our relationship with God and in our growing maturity in Him, we can be comfortable in our own skin, secure in how God has created us, and not feel the need to compare ourselves with others.
Secondly, we are asked to redirect attention to the One that deserves it all with sincerity of heart: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:31, NIV)
Our giftings, accomplishments, and even our weaknesses are opportunities for others to see the grace of God at work in our lives. Authentic living is living out our true self while being fully secure in His redeeming grace.
It is very tiring to be someone we are not. At some point in time, we could lose touch with our true identity, or lose our credibility altogether. But when we live authentically, we can find peace with ourselves and glorify our Creator God who has fearfully and wonderfully made us in His image (Psalm 139).
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
Lam Kok Hiang
Leadership Mentor
We desire our Cru staff to grow deep in their relationship with God, and to widen their missional impact, both in Singapore and the nations. This is to prepare us for #GO, a missions thrust to send 200 teams, to 20 nations, in 25 months.
A couple of weeks back, we finally had our long-awaited staff conference from 14-17 June. Our last staff conference was back in 2018! Over 178 adults and children had a blessed time in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. We bonded over fun, fellowship, food, and of course praying together as we sought the Lord. We had Holly Sheldon, our Global VP for Student Ministries, to share with us on Losing Joy, Finding Joy and Giving Joy. The talks were spot on as Holly exhorted us to live and serve with joy in our hearts and in our service, even as we face challenges in life and ministry.
As the theme suggests, we desire our Cru staff to grow deep in their relationship with God, and to widen their missional impact, both in Singapore and the nations. This is to prepare us for #GO, a missions thrust to send 200 teams, to 20 nations beginning in December 2023.
Immediately after the staff summit, 10 staff teams left for mission trips in several SEA countries from 18 -25 June, while one other team served alongside a Christian VWO in Singapore. The make-up of each team was intentionally composed to have members from various backgrounds, such as being intergenerational and multicultural, and across ministries and functions. That said, they all had the same missional heart to bless the nations.
The teams served in various locations: from very rural areas without electricity and running water, to daily 2-hour drives to villages, to mountainous regions with limited domestic flights, to places with urban settings, and even through virtual platforms like Zoom.
We worked with local partners and churches to serve alongside their ministries and organisations. We organised English classes, played sports like frisbee and volleyball, conducted visitations, showed the JESUS film in their own language, and facilitated life-skills seminars for the various groups.
We were so inspired by all the stories of faith and courage, stepping out of our comfort zones, and God’s power at work. We desire for many more to also experience what we had experienced. Through the #GetSet trips, we have been renewed and refreshed in our vision for the harvest. We look forward to mobilising 200 teams to 20 nations in the coming 25 months! Come join us on this adventure to be a blessing to the nations!
保罗提醒信徒: “如果有人本来没有甚么了不起,却自以为是了不起的,就是欺骗自己”(加拉太书6:3, 新译本,下同)。虚伪行为可以是微妙的,以至于我们不当一回事。我们有可能:
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