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The Significance Project is a discipleship course that combines life coaching techniques with facilitators and peer coaches at Cru Singapore!
Familylife Singapore aims to effectively develop Christ-centred marriages and families who change the world one home at a time. Learn more today!
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How do Christians pray to God? Discover how to build a deep relationship with Him. Take the next step in your faith journey with Cru Singapore!
Looking for dating advice? At Cru Singapore, we share how you can keep God at the center of your relationship. Learn more about ideal dating today!
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Sharing our faith is one of our most important callings as followers of Jesus. Learn more about sharing the good news of the gospel at Cru Singapore!
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Learn how to connect with people through digital channels. We’ve compiled the best resources in the area of digital ministry!
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Athletes in Action aims to assist you in integrating sports, life, and faith. We believe that knowing Jesus leads us to our true motivation and identity!
We seek to equip & resource the body of Christ to fulfil the Great Commission, through providing transforming Bible-inspired literature.
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Events to bless and refresh the body of Christ in their faith.
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Learn how to connect with people through digital channels. We’ve compiled the best resources in the area of digital ministry!
A global community engaging with ideas and each other to advance God’s Kingdom through innovation
Find practical and biblical solutions for building strong families in Singapore with FamilyLife. Discover resources, events, programs and more!
Incorporates life-coaching methods along with facilitators and personal peer coaches to help you to discover your personal mission.
We are passionate about connecting others to Jesus and supporting local churches in missions. And we are well-equipped to prepare and send you to the nations.
Connecting in community for the well-being of the city.
ThriveSg is a ministry that seeks to empower people to thrive significantly by promoting emotional wellness & resilience, through cultivating self-discovery, providing emotional healing and supporting personal growth.
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Hear from Leadership Mentor, Lam Kok Hiang, as he shares his experience and heart with us through these short devotional reflections
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How to request for Moorings Staying The Course.
What we believe about the gospel and our call to serve every nation.
Do you know who's behind Cru Singapore? Our Board of Directors is made up of experienced professionals with a wide range of skills and backgrounds.
Cru Singapore's milestones through the years.
Leading from values so others will walk passionately with God to grow and bear fruit.
The Significance Project is a discipleship course that combines life coaching techniques with facilitators and peer coaches at Cru Singapore!
Cru Singapore is a Christian Ministry that exists to see people reach their potential in life by connecting their life to Christ. Join our journey!
"For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance." – Psalm 66:10-12, NIV
Being a Christian does not exempt us from life's trials and afflictions. In every season of our lives, we can expect to face trials of various kinds (1 Peter 1:6). These trials can either make us more resilient individuals or lead us down a path of bitterness and despair.
God-Permitted Affliction. God allows trials in our lives to test and refine our faith, moulding us for His purpose and our spiritual growth. Similar to how firing in a kiln determines the quality and beauty of pottery, God knows the depths of our endurance (1 Corinthians 10:13) and orchestrates trials accordingly. We are called to trust in God and His eternal purposes, knowing that our lives are securely held in His hands, “Our lives are in his hands, and he keeps our feet from stumbling.” – Psalm 66:9, NLT
God-Promised Assurance. In the midst of our deepest trials and unanswered questions, we find solace in the assurance that God is with us and for us. “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you” (Isaiah 43:2, NLT). God's presence sustains us through every trial, providing strength and comfort along the journey.
God-Prepared Abundance. Trials are not the end of our story but part of our necessary journey to abundance and spiritual growth ("a well-watered place" – Psalm 66:12, MSG). Despite the pain of trials, they are temporary, and God promises eternal joy to those who endure. Our faith is refined through the process, resulting in praise and honour to God (1 Peter 1:6-7).
How then should we respond to the trials that come our way? Losing sight of God amidst trials leads to self-centeredness and despair. However, understanding God's purpose for trials allows us to respond with whole-hearted worship, commitment to our vows, and testify to what God has done for us (Psalm 66:13-15).
Peace and Grace,
Lam Kok Hiang
Leadership Mentor
“ 神啊!祢试炼了我们,熬炼了我们,如同熬炼银子一般。祢使我们进入网罗,把重担放在我们的背上。祢使人驾车轧我们的头,我们经过水火,祢却把我们领到丰盛之地” (诗篇66:10-12,新译本,下同)。
我们的 神熟悉苦难(参阅以赛亚书53章)。祂(因爱世人)甘愿背负十字架,担当世人的罪债,借着一己的牺牲,叫信祂的人得以出死入生(希伯来书2:14-15)。纵观整本圣经,我们能找到不少论述试炼、痛苦及磨难的篇章。诗篇66:10-12揭开人生苦楚的面纱,使人得着智慧、坚定我们的信心:
神所允许的苦难。 神容许试炼临到信徒,以试验和精炼我们的信心,为自己塑造合用的器皿、使人成熟。如同匠人调整窑火烧制陶坯成为精美器具, 神也知道各人所能承受的(哥林多前书10:13)。我们受召归入 神的名下,信靠祂永恒的旨意,相信祂是我们生命的保障。圣经说:“祂保全我们的性命,不使我们的脚动摇”(诗篇66:9)。
神所承诺的保证。当我们深处磨难中,宛如求救无门之际,要知道 神就在我们身畔。圣经说:“你从水中经过的时候,我必与你同在;你渡过江河的时候,水必不淹没你;你从火中行走的时候,必不会烧伤;火焰也不会在你身上烧起来”(以赛亚书43:2)。 神的同在叫人一路备受鼓舞得力, 支撑我们跨越任何试炼。
神所预备的丰盛。试炼从来不是终点,而是人生命旅途朝向丰盛和灵命成熟的必经之路(诗篇66:12b)。其中或有悲伤,却是短暂的, 神应许那些胜过试炼的人常存的喜乐。我们的信心若经得起考验,就把称赞和尊荣归于 神(彼得前书1:6-7)。
我们该怎样应对迎面而来的试炼呢?我们在急难中如果忘却 神,将变得自我为中心又灰心丧志。然而,我们若寻求苦难背后 神的旨意,就会在试炼中持续全心全意敬拜 神、谨守从前的誓言,并要见证 神为我们所成就的事(诗篇66:13-15)。
愿属 神的恩典平安与您同在,
The closing of the day is a divine reminder that rest is not only necessary but essential. The night, though often seen as the end of the day, is in many ways a preparation for what lies ahead.
Having couple friends who provide a safe space for counsel and support can help diffuse tension in a difficult relationship and facilitate tough conversations to address underlying marital issues
As we close the year 2024, let us take some time to selah, to pause and renew ourselves for the new year. I would like to share five prayers/affirmations as we step into 2025.
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