
From the National Director

In Pursuit of Eternal Joy

Each passing day brings us closer to Christ’s return. As we look forward to that moment, we, as citizens of heaven and children of God, seek to be faithful followers of Christ.

Live Wisely

James had written these words in the context of seeking true wisdom. In James 3:13-16, he contrasts two kinds of wisdom: one rooted in selfish ambition, leading to chaos and strife; and another that is pure, peace-loving, gentle and sincere.

Standing together for the Gospel

We remain dedicated in helping the fulfilment of the Great Commission. It is a mammoth task, and we thank God that you continue to choose to partner with us to stand Together for the Gospel.

Let us #GO!

The famous RMS Titanic sank on April 15, 1912. She collided with an iceberg while making her maiden voyage to the United States. While many people may feel that it was the iceberg that caused the disaster, there was another contributing factor: the sailor on the lookout was not able to spot the iceberg in time.

God’s Way May Not Always be the Shortest!

God neither led the Israelites through the shortest way to their destination nor gave them a smooth journey. Instead, they had to overcome obstacles and enemies along a longer route. Why would God lead the Israelites on a longer path to the Promised Land? Is not the shortest and fastest way the best one?

Make Disciples Everywhere

In 2022, Cru Singapore celebrated our 50th anniversary. We thank God for His faithfulness to Cru Singapore as we recalled His Story, His Glory.

Are You #READY for Easter?

This Easter, let's trust God for meaningful connections on your mobile phones.

Building Strong Communities

Giving thanks for a year of building strong communities in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Despite difficult circumstances, God still moves.

The Turning Point

Find out the journey of our incoming National Director, Goh Hock Chye, that led to him assuming this great leadership responsibility.

Staying the Course

Staying the course requires us to remain faithful to our calling and mission. Especially during this time of transition, this is exactly what Cru Singapore intends to do.

Sailing Into the Storm

With various storms that seem to be swirling around us, what is the perspective that we should be taking through this?

Lord, I Need an Answer!

In matters concerning life and faith, we often have more questions than answers. How do we respond when God stays silent, or does not give us the answers we want?

Changing the Way We Think

There is a battle that is waging for our minds. Do we need to start changing what we are allowing in to our thought life?

Redeeming Our Families

Let's use this circuit breaker to love and care for those closest to us. Discover effective and efficient ways to redeem our families with Cru Singapore!

Need a Heart Transplant, Anyone?

God knows the true condition of our hearts. Asking God to restore your stubborn and hardened heart is an important step towards spiritual growth. Learn more with this insightful article from Cru Singapore!

No More Lonely Nights

How do we protect our peace from the anxiety and worries that we face?

Peace for the Troubled Soul

In times of trouble, how do we access God's promise of peace that surpasses all understanding?

What does an invitation from God look like?

Some thing to think about in seasons of endless party invitations.

Life's Greatest "Show and Tell"

What do people see in us? What we “show and tell” in our lives to those around us unveil the state of our hearts.

God Moves in Mysterious Ways

Find out how god moves in mysterious ways at Cru Singapore. Our blog offers spiritual insights and stories that will encourage you on your faith journey!

For How Long, O Lord?

When waiting gets agonising, how should one respond? How can one remain hopeful?

From Fear To Faith

What can we do in the face of fear?

Planning for a heavenly party

The beauty of earthly celebrations offers us a glimpse into the grander parties in heaven.

Battling the voices in our hearts

What voices are you currently hearing in your hearts right now? Read how Kok Hiang battles the voice of discouragement and negativity.

What's Hanging On Your Door?

How a door sign led me to think about the condition of my heart.

Handling Life's Disruptions

Discover practical tips and strategies for handling life's disruptions. Learn how to adapt, cope, and overcome challenges with resilience and strength.

Returning To The Good Old Days

How is your new year going to be? It's often a choice between letting our zealous past be a distant memory or returning to God with a renewed devotion. What does Chapter 2 of Jeremiah have to say about this?

Is It Worth It?

A reflection on the cost of our faith.

God's Preoccupation With Us

Amid our busy schedules, let's take a pause to behold a God who is constantly thinking about us.

Turning Sorrow to Songs of Joy

Thanksgiving, an occasion traditionally celebrated in North America, is a timely reminder to be thankful. When things are not going as well, however, we struggle to find reasons to thank Him.

Stories from LiveSg

An Adventure with God

How one NTU graduate blends art with faith and career

Glorifying God With All That We Are

“Organising the 50th Anniversary was a faith-stretching adventure for me,” quipped Mr Yong Chee Yee, the overall coordinator. Chee Yee is also Cru Singapore’s Chief of Staff, assisting the Country Leader in day-to-day affairs, leaders’ coordination, and staff care.

Touching Lives Through Counselling

As she breathed her last, Mandy’s mother told her, “Don’t cry for me.” So Mandy did just that. Growing up, Mandy was taught that “It’s a weakness to show emotions; we should thank God in every circumstance.” As she battled to suppress her grief, things took a toll on her.

From Marketplace to Full-Time Ministry

While most of our new staff used to be fresh graduates from the campus ministry, we are now seeing more mid-career people join as full-time staff. But why?

Supporting Frontline Workers in the Midst of a Pandemic

With the Covid-19 pandemic going into its second year, healthcare workers were put under immense pressure to keep up with the changing healthcare situations and demands.

A Day in the Life as Campus Staff

As school campuses all quitened due to Covid-19 safe management measures, Cru's Campus Ministry team had to adapt quickly to continue engaging students as physical meetings were severely impacted. Find out from the experiences of our campus staff what ministry life was like for them last year!

Raising Women of Worth: Embracing the significance of being a Mom

Learn how WowMom equips and empowers mothers to discover and live out their life purpose and understand their significance.

Here I Am: Responding in Obedience

Get to know Cru Singapore’s newly transitioned Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Goh Hock Chye, as he shares with us some significant moments and lessons he's learnt over 25 years in ministry.

Post-Circuit Breaker Takeaways: Chronic Illness and the God Who’s Immeasurably More

Chronic illness already had bodies in lockdown before the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet both are potentially instruments through which Jesus’ greatness is revealed.

Trusting in God's Provision for Every Season

Contrary to the consumer-culture of today, read on to find out how this couple and their family have chosen to wholly depend on the God who called them for all their needs.

True success and sustainability in Christian ministry

After 44 Years serving the Lord, this faithful couple share their principles, treasured moments and important lessons learnt during ministry.

A Creative, a Graphic Designer, or a Missionary?

Discover how to be a volunteer using your talent as a Christian Graphic Designer. Find out to make an impact on society through your skills!

Post-Circuit Breaker Takeaways: Sacred Pleasure While in Quarantine

How two Cru Singapore campus staff nourished their souls in isolation during these strange times

Post-Circuit Breaker Takeaways: “Minor” Blessings

When the tune of life starts to shift towards the minor key, will we notice God’s “small” blessings?

Digital Ministry is Now for Everyone

True or False: The credit for many organisations’ digital transformation in 2020 goes to COVID-19?

He Struggles With You

On the 14th of May, Cru held a webinar on “Covid-19 Conversations: Dealing with Temptations (Porn on the Internet)”, the third in its series of special webinars with distinguished speakers to provide a platform for you to ask questions, receive counsel and be discipled during an unprecedented time of our lives.

Losses of a Missionary Kid (and more)

This is a challenging season for us all. But some of our unique situations have made it more so than others. We hear from a missionary, who once was a third culture kid, navigating through this time.

Returning for the 99 Percent

Tracking with Cru Singapore’s latest missionary family in Japan

Rediscovering Fresh Ways to Talk About Jesus

Reclaiming the art of story-telling in outreach and discipleship

wanna be an online missionary

Do you want to be an online missionary? Cru Singapore welcomes anyone who wishes to participate in our various volunteer and charitable activities!

Life Coaching That Makes A Difference

One woman's journey with life coaching resources in Singapore and how she used it to help others know Christ. Find out how you can do so today!

2 Sides

Suicide is the leading cause of death for those aged 10 to 29, with males accounting for more than 71% of all suicides last year. (Samaritans of Singapore, 2019) When our youths brave through mental health issues, there's always 2 sides to their stories. As we come alongside them, are we relieving—or even contributing to— their loneliness? Remember: there's always 2 sides to the story.

The Gift Of Family

The gift of family is a precious blessing that brings joy, love, and support to our lives. Learn how we can be family to those in need.

My Journey Through Anxiety: Learning to Rest in God

Worried about your anxiety? You're not alone. Anxiety counselling is one of the most sought-after services we offer at Cru Singapore. Learn more today!

an extraordinary business as mission journey

Discover the inspiring story of Judith Halim and Jason Ong, who left their successful business careers to serving God through full-time missions.

Missionary Kid Turned Missionary

Meet Josephine Loh, Cru Singapore’s youngest STINTer moving over to Budapest to serve with MK2MK (Missionary Kid 2 Missionary Kid), a Cru ministry.

Every Sport. Every Team. Every Nation.

We believe that every athlete has an opportunity and responsibility to use their sport as a platform to share the love of Jesus Christ. Learn more!

"I See A Spark In You"

Read about Patrick's journey of overcoming the odds and finding his passion in life, because of the love of people who believed in him.

Bigger Than The Singaporean Dream

Unfazed by life circumstances, Jiamin bravely chose a path radically different from her contemporaries. After 4 years and 31 countries on board Doulos, her life is no longer the same.

Josephus Tan

Josephus Tan Joon Liang is a highly respected criminal lawyer in Singapore who is widely recognized for his pro-bono work. Learn about how God changed him.

Water For Life, Hope For The Future

Do you know that 1 in 9 people don't have access to clean drinking water? Cru brings drinking water as well as Living Water to villages through Water for Life.

Juggle missions with marketplace work? Why not?

Do you feel like something is missing in your life? We believe that everyone deserves a chance to hear and feel the love of Jesus Christ. Join us!

Finding Hope Amid Childlessness

How does one cope with childlessness? What if one faces disappointment after disappointment?

No Child Left Behind In Singapore

Empowering children is crucial for their growth and development as individuals. When we provide children with tools and support, they flourish as adults. Find out how you can make a difference in others' lives.

Helping creatives marry art and faith

Can art create any tangible good for society? Is art and faith likened to water and oil–they can never mix?

Hello From Ulaanbaatar!

This young millennial gave up her cushy urban life for a stint in Mongolia. What is it like to walk a path less travelled?

Finding God in Motherhood

Discover the joys of finding God in motherhood. Find hope, help and love in God, to be a mother and a child of God.

Strength in Weakness. Ambassador for Christ

Rebecca from Cru Singapore Campus Ministry forsook a potentially lucrative career trajectory to be a mentor for youths and young adults.

Unshakeable joy

How a couple shook off shackles of mourning to embrace their seasons in life

Broken For A Higher Call

Find the most inspirational Christian stories at Cru Singapore. We hope you will be blessed as you read and discover how they overcome their challenges!

Embracing my husband’s calling

Seeing missions through the lenses of a missionary’s wife.

Making disciples on campuses

Cru’s commitment to help every campus disciple discover the beauty–and cost–of discipleship

Taking Christ’s Love To The Streets

Read how 8-Day Challenge participants took Christ's love to the streets in the wee hours of the morning!

Grooving to God’s heartbeat

Up-close-and-personal with ForeRunner’s Team Leader

Learning To Expect The Unexpected

Amanda took a path less travelled, and ended up on an unexpected journey.

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