Photo by Jon Tyson
From the National Director

Live Wisely

Goh Hock Chye October 7, 2024

"Hi HC, Thanks for being one of the few key teachers who shaped me in my life. What I remember most isn’t the specific lessons, but how you lived and loved those around you. Seeing you interact with the staff two days ago was just as inspiring as it was back then. Happy Teachers’ Day! 🥳” – Randy


The above message from Randy, whom I had discipled 25 years ago, came as a pleasant surprise.

As I read his text, my initial reaction was one of disbelief—how could he not remember the lessons I had painstakingly prepared? I had spent hours crafting each one, choosing the right words to make a lasting impact! But that thought vanished almost as quickly as it came, replaced by a deep and humbling realisation that what Randy remembered was not the content of my teaching, but the example set by my life and that of his other mentors.

Immediately, the words in James 3:13 (MSG) came to mind: "It’s the way you live, not the way you talk, that counts." These words remind me of a saying that resonates deeply: “more is caught than taught”. We can spend our life honing our eloquence to impress others, but no matter how articulate we are, it is our actions—how we live and love—that leave the lasting impression on others. 


How then, should we live? The apostle James advises us to “Live well, live wisely, live humbly.”

James had written these words in the context of seeking true wisdom. In James 3:13-16, he contrasts two kinds of wisdom: one rooted in selfish ambition, leading to chaos and strife; and another that is pure, peace-loving, gentle and sincere. James emphasizes that we should aim for a wisdom not measured by eloquence or intellect, but by the quiet power of a life well-lived.

James then guides us by suggesting five tenets to living well, wisely and humbly:

  1. Keep Our Intentions Pure: Let sincerity guide our actions.
  2. Seek Peace: Foster harmony in our relationships.
  3. Be Humble and Considerate: Be open minded to insights of others.
  4. Show Mercy: Choose kindness and forgiveness over judgement.
  5. Live Honestly: Ensure our actions consistently reflect our true values.

Randy’s message was a powerful reminder to me that while the lessons we teach are important, the impact we have extends even further through the lives we lead and model for others. 

As we journey through life, building relationships, mentoring others, making disciples, and parenting our children, let us remember that it is our way of life that speaks the loudest. This is the essence of wise living—embodying the kind of wisdom from above that truly counts and truly lasts.



Goh Hock Chye

Country Leader/CEO


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