Photo by Rachael Crowe
From the National Director

In Pursuit of Eternal Joy

January 6, 2025

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11, ESV).


Warm greetings from all of us at Cru Singapore!

Each passing day brings us closer to Christ’s return. As we look forward to that moment, we, as citizens of heaven and children of God, seek to be faithful followers of Christ—whether in navigating the mundane ebbs and flows of daily routines, taking on challenging tasks for God, or being tossed by the insurmountable waves that life throws at us.

We can follow the examples of Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and the saints of Hebrews 11, who were confident of the eternal joy that God offers, both in the heights of success and the depths of struggle. They pressed on in devoting themselves to the honour of God and pursuing alignment with His will. Their faith was not sidetracked by the fleeting pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:25), but endured in the pursuit of eternal joy.


In 2024, Cru Singapore continued our faith venture to send 200 short-term mission teams over a 25-month period. We are thankful to God for raising up almost 150 teams of over 800 participants, who were sent to 18 countries from December 2023 to December 2024. 

We also saw the launch of two new internship programmes—CATALYST and FUEL—in an effort to raise life-long labourers and expose young people to full-time ministry work and missions opportunities in Singapore and beyond our shores.

All these, along with the stories you will find in our Thanksgiving Report 2024, are made possible only by God. We give all glory to Him for what He has graciously done in and through Cru Singapore.


Your partnership in giving and prayers, along with your encouragement have strengthened our hearts, and enabled us to have the needed resources to witness these stories of transformation and impact. Thank you for your partnership, support and encouragement as we trust God to make disciples everywhere


Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and fruitful new year (Psalm 65:11)!

Goh Hock Chye

Country Leader/CEO

Download Thanksgiving Report 2024 in pdf format via




基督再来的日子近了。我们作为天国的子民和 神的儿女殷切盼望那时刻临到,作为基督忠心的门徒—无论是在平平无奇的日常,还是在为 神做大事、或在滔天巨浪浮沉求存当中。

我们可以遵循耶稣(希伯来书12:2)以及希伯来书所记载众圣徒的榜样,这些人因着信向往 神所应许永远的福乐,胜过今生荣华或一时的挣扎。他们致力荣耀 神和寻求祂的旨意。有者“不肯享受罪恶中暂时的快乐”(希伯来书11:25,新译本),持守信仰以承受永远的福乐。


2024年间,新加坡学园传道会设立信心目标,要在廿五个月内差派两百支短期宣教队伍。2023年12月至隔年12月期间,我们感谢 神兴起150支短宣队共800余名弟兄姊妹被差往18个国家

我们也启动了两项实习计划—CATALYST 和 FUEL—提供管道给新生代接触全职事奉以及国内、海外宣教的机会,以此装备蒙召一生事奉 神的工人。

综上,还有好些故事收录在我们的2024年度感恩报告里,在在都出乎 神,唯有祂能成全这一切。当将荣耀归给 神,因祂开恩藉着学园传道会所成就的一切事献上感恩。


您曾以奉献和代祷与学园传道会配搭事奉,以鼓励坚定我们并支援同工们所需,如今一齐见证这些改变和影响生命的故事。谢谢您的配搭、支持和鼓励,一同信靠 神使万民作耶稣基督的门徒。





下载 2024年度感恩报告(pdf 格式):

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