Photo by Arif Riyanto
Soul Anchors

Living Holy Lives

February 5, 2024

Dear Ministry Partner,


“So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world.  So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, ‘You must be holy because I am holy.’ And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favourites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time here as ‘temporary residents’.” – 1 Peter 1:13-17, NLT


As in the past, the headline news in 2023 of leaders falling into sin continues to shock and sadden us as we consider how these leaders had followers who looked to them as role models.  This ought to serve as a stern warning to all of us who are leaders in a spiritual capacity. 

The call to stay holy is a lifelong commitment to walk in the ways of God. Our God is a holy God, and He commands us to be like Him. As we begin a new year, let us make a resolution to stay holy in our walk and worship of God. There are four things that we need to do to continually live a holy life:


Be alert and exercise self-control (v.13). Guard our minds especially when we are tired and exhausted. The lonely and wandering mind becomes the devil’s playing field to lure us to sinful, especially lustful, thoughts. The lingering gaze will entrap and lead us down the path of defeat. The mind is a battlefield, and we must stay alert and exercise self-control in order to withstand the enemy’s temptations. 

Do not slip back into your old ways (v.14). Victory in the past does not necessarily mean we have conquered those old sinful ways. We need to be mindful of our Achilles heel, and ringfence our vulnerability with prayer, accountability, and a resolution to stay away from places and situations that can potentially entrap us. Do not try to fight; instead flee from those situations (2 Timothy 2:22).

Know our calling to be holy (vv.15-16). On our own, we have no basis to be holy before our holy God (Isaiah 64:6). Through Christ’s death on the cross, we are imputed with God’s righteousness. When we recognise what a privilege this is, we will be motivated to live out a life of holiness as reflected in our thoughts, relationships, integrity of character and worship of God.

Sow what you want to reap (v.17). God is holy and He will judge us. The reward of living a holy life brings glory to God, when we reflect His nature and character to a fallen world. On the other hand, when we live in sin, we bring disgrace to God and shame to our loved ones. Do not turn a blind eye to the real-life examples in this world that we read and hear about. 


As long as we are “temporary residents” on this earth, we must live in reverent fear of God. It is our only “weapon” against a life of sin as our human nature is weak and frail, and “CMI” (cannot make it) on our own strength. 

As we start the new year, may our personal holiness be our gift to God and to our loved ones.



Lam Kok Hiang
Leadership Mentor






圣经呼吁“你们要圣洁”,这是一生的操守,使人行在 神的道中。 神是圣洁的神,祂命令我们效法祂一样。适逢新年,让我们立志以圣洁与 神同行并敬拜祂。有四件事是我们敬虔生活需要留心的:




神召我们成为圣洁(15-16节)。我们若凭着自己的义,没有人能无可指摘地来到圣洁的 神面前(参阅以赛亚书64:6)。唯有藉着基督死在十字架上(作为世人的赎价),我们被算为 神的义。当我们认识这是何等大恩成就在我们身上,就自发地活出圣洁的生活,这会反映在个人心思、人际关系、品格以及对 神的敬拜等方面。

各人按自己的行为受审(17节)。 神是圣洁的,并且祂衡量人心。纯正人得赏赐使人将荣耀归给 神,他们在沦丧的世代活出 神的样式。相对地,人若陷在罪里就亏缺了 神(的荣耀)、又使所爱的人蒙羞。不要自欺,人在今世尚且受报,我们岂没有看见?耳朵岂没有听见?


我们还在世上寄居的时候必须敬畏 神。敬畏 神能使人远离恶道,因为按着本性人都是软弱、心有余而力不足。

新年伊始,盼望我们得以圣洁生活见证 神,这也是我们能给家人最好的礼物。


愿 神祝福您,


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