Photo by Greg Rakozy
Soul Anchors

God as Our Shield

November 4, 2024

“God is my shield, saving those whose hearts are true and right.” – Psalm 7:10, NLT

Many of us have insurance policies to help us cover huge medical bills in the event of serious illness. This gives us a sense of security and peace of mind where future medical needs are concerned.

Just as insurance policies serve as a shield to safeguard our ability to access complex medical treatment, God is our spiritual shield, protecting His people from physical danger and harm, as well as internal struggles and temptations. God is also continually working in and through our lives to safeguard our access to the very best that life can offer.

Trusting God as our shield brings a sense of security and confidence, even in the midst of challenging times. It reassures believers that we are not alone in facing life's challenges but we have a powerful and loving Protector watching over us.

The metaphor of God as our shield is also described in the following ways to help us appreciate the different aspects and nuances of God:


God’s faithfulness as a shield.

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;  his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart” (Psalm 91:4, NIV). When we entertain negative thoughts, we are, in fact, questioning God’s faithfulness and His goodness. God’s faithfulness, however, reminds us of His covenantal love towards us, and that He will never leave or forsake us.


God’s favour as a shield.

"Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour as with a shield" (Psalm 5:12, NIV). Favour refers to God's grace, kindness, and blessings bestowed upon His people. It is the unmerited goodness and love that He shows towards those who love and follow Him faithfully. Imagine being surrounded by God’s grace! Let us be thankful for His blessings in our lives.


God’s glory as a shield.

"But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high”(Psalm 3:3, NLT). God not only protects His people but also surrounds them with His majestic presence and honour. It demonstrates God's sovereignty and His role as the protector and exalter of His people (Psalm 8:4-5; 2 Corinthians 4:7). As His children, we must shine forth and reflect His glory to those around us.


Understanding God as our shield deepens our appreciation for His care, provision, and faithfulness in our lives. It reminds us to trust in Him completely and to seek refuge in His presence during times of trial and adversity. We can trust Him and rejoice in Him. “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him" (Psalm 28:7, NIV).


Peace and Grace,

Lam Kok Hiang
Leadership Mentor

“ 神是我的盾牌,祂拯救心里正直的人”(诗篇7:10,新译本,下同)。


若说保单如同护盾,某程度上确保人有能力承担繁重的医疗程序, 神更是我们属灵的盾牌,保护信祂的人脱离外在的凶恶、不幸以及内在的试探挣扎。 神亦不断地在我们的生命中工作,也透过我们,确保属祂的人经历完满的人生。

人若投靠 神为保障就得一丝平静安稳,即便身处困难时刻。这使凡信者面临患难不至孤单,只因其上有一全能和慈爱者荫蔽看护。

以 神作为盾牌的譬喻,圣经里尚有好些描述如下,可以帮助我们一窥 神方方面面的作为:



圣经说:“祂必用自己的羽毛遮盖你,你要投靠在祂的翅膀底下;祂的信实象盾牌,像坚垒”(诗篇91:4)。每当我们接纳负面思想,其实是质疑 神的信实和良善。然而 神的信实仍使我们想起祂向我们守约、施慈爱,并且祂必不离弃我们。



圣经说:“耶和华啊!因为祢必赐福给义人,祢要以恩惠像盾牌四面护卫他”(诗篇5:12)。恩惠可以引申为 神赐予子民的诸般恩典、仁慈和祝福;也是祂向那些爱祂、忠心跟随祂的人所显示额外的良善和慈爱。看哪, 神以恩典四面围绕自己的儿女!让我们因着 神的各样美善常常感恩。



圣经说:“耶和华啊!祢却是我周围的盾牌,是我的荣耀,是使我抬起头来的”(诗篇3:3)。 神不仅庇护祂的百姓,祂还亲自与他们同在、以自己的尊贵威荣环绕他们(参阅诗篇8:4-5;哥林多后书4:7)。我们作为 神的子女必须活出见证,让 神的荣美透过我们彰显。使看见的人归荣耀给 神。


了解 神是我的盾牌使我深深感受祂在个人生命里的无微不至、供应和信实;促使我完全信靠祂、遭遇患难时投奔祂作避难所。我们可以相信祂并因祂喜乐。圣经说:“耶和华是我的力量,是我的盾牌;我的心倚靠祂,我就得到帮助;所以我的心欢乐。我要用诗歌颂赞祂”(诗篇28:7)。


愿您经历 神的平安和恩典,


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