Dear Ministry Partner,
“Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.” – Romans 12:3, NLT
What an apt reminder for us not to hold an exalted view of ourselves but to have a realistic view of who we are and how God sees us.
In this world of self-inflated egos and self-serving motives, many of us are inclined to think of ourselves as better than who we really are. However, in a moment of honesty, we may see the gaps in our lives, i.e., what we practice versus what we preach.
Let me suggest several gaps we need to pay attention to:
God looks beyond our external appearance and sees our hearts and motivations (1 Samuel 16:7). Saul had all the external qualities, but the gaps in his life led to his downfall. Let us not walk in his footsteps. Instead, let us make every effort to close the gaps in our lives, so that we can stand blameless before Him and hear Him say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21a).
Lam Kok Hiang
Leadership Mentor
Dear Ministry Partner,
Soul Anchors is a monthly devotional I write as a Leadership Mentor of Cru Singapore. My desire is to bring a word of encouragement to our ministry partners and friends.
This devotional series is my own musings about God and life, and the internal wrestling of my heart. Articulating muddled and disorganised thoughts to coherent words on paper is a laborious and, at times, frustrating process—as most writers can attest to. I do suffer from writer’s block where I stare at the blank screen or keep deleting words and sentences.
I am humbled by the numerous positive and encouraging feedback on my devotional articles. Many appreciate the succinct one-page read. Some forward them to their friends, while others file away the hard copies. Different topics minister to different people at the point of need and season of life.
If you have been receiving Soul Anchors (email and/or hard copy) and have been blessed by this ministry, would you consider supporting this ministry?
While some have opted for email version, many still prefer receiving the hard copy. The costs of printing, postage (increase of 64%) and mailer services have increased significantly, not forgetting the headcount costs to ensure the timely delivery of the devotional article into your inbox/mailbox each month.
If you would like to give a gift, please use your banking app to scan the QR code for your donation. Thank you again for your kind consideration and support for Soul Anchors!
Anchored in Christ,
Lam Kok Hiang
Leadership Mentor
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The Digital Strategies (DS) team has been working hard through our Instagram account @crusingapore to connect with young adults and make the Gospel relevant for daily life. By creating relevant and relatable content that gives a biblical perspective towards life issues and daily struggles, we strive to: Disciple a millennial generation in practical living through biblical truth, using social media as a medium for communication.
Our ultimate mission is to:
Help Christians live out God's calling by providing practical and spiritual content that empowers or equips them to do the Great Commission in this digital age.
In 2022, we championed the #READY campaign which seeks to change mindsets about outreach. It involved putting together content to provide easy handles for Christians to begin spiritual friendships and spiritual conversations. A Telegram community was also launched, to guide participants through a 40-day journey of engaging with people online and around them.
God used the daily prompts in the #READY Telegram channel to encourage me to be bold in reaching out. And so, I invited my colleagues for an Easter gathering at my home,” says Mervyn, a #READY participant. “We watched a Chinese calligraphy video about the Gospel and discussed life and death from the perspectives of Christianity and Eastern Oriental beliefs. I was also able to share this message digitally to 10 others since they were not available to come.”
REDproject (RED - Reaching Everyone Digitally) is a digital missions brainchild of Cru Singapore, sending mission teams to many restricted places without the need for visas. We also partner with Indigitous Singapore to support #HACK, an annual missional hackathon to create digital solutions for missional kingdom work.
We recently began a new strategy to reach pre-believers, using social media and podcasts. Called ‘Kopi O Kosong’, this account seeks to speak to issues that young adults face in our society through a biblical lens, in an approachable and empathetic manner. We hope to build pathways for people to draw closer to the God behind the principles we share, and in doing so, to disciple both Christians and non-Christians.
Find Kopi O Kosong on Instagram and Youtube -
If you are a content creator, video producer/editor, and are passionate about using your skills to serve God, join us at Digital Strategies in Cru Singapore! Connect with us at
“我凭着所赐给我的恩典,对你们各人说,不可自视太高,高于所当看的,反而应该照着神分给各人信心的大小,看得适中”(罗马书12:3, 新译本,下同)。
这对我们来说是多么恰当的提醒,不要自视过高,反该实际地了解自己是谁以及 神如何看待我们。
神看人过于人的外表,是看我们内心和动机(参阅撒母耳记上16:7)。扫罗曾经如鹤立鸡群胜过当时以色列众人,可惜王逐渐偏离 神以致消亡。让我们引以为诫。相反地,愿我们努力活出表里如一的见证,至终得以坦然无惧站在审判宝座前,听见主呼唤我们:“好,你这又善良又忠心的仆人”(参阅马太福音25:21)!
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