Photo by Balaji Malliswamy
Soul Anchors

My times are in Your Hands

September 2, 2024

“My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me.” – Psalm 31:15, NIV

As part of The Significance Project course (a life-coaching resource developed by Cru), participants are required to draw their respective Life Maps, so they can look back and trace God’s handiwork in their lives since they came into being. We use a suggested template for the Life Map: Heritage, Hurts, Highs, Heroes, and Hand of God to plot each life story. 

We are often amazed and humbled by God’s working in our lives. There are highs and lows, joys and griefs, good and bad days, and the surprising turns and leading of the Lord bring us to where we are today. We also look out for developing themes in the life journey.

When David declared, “My times are in your hands” (Psalm 31:15a), he acknowledges God as His Creator, and every moment, event and circumstance is under His sovereign will and divine orchestration. If we, like David, are to trust in His perfect timing in fulfilling His plans and purpose in our lives, how should we live in light of this theological anchor? We need to first recognise the following:


We are not the masters of our lives.

Life is unpredictable and transient. We do not have full control over our lives. I believe all of us have family members or friends who were struck by sudden terminal illness or an unexpected tragedy, leaving them helpless with their lives spinning out of control. 

Lest we think we are in full control of our lives and future, consider the words of James in his epistle, “Look here, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.’ How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone” (James 4:13-14, NLT).


God is scripting His Story in our lives.

“Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed” (Psalm 139:16, NLT). God has a purpose for us all, and as the Master Scriptwriter, knows the beginning and the end of everything. Our lives are like scrolls spread out before Him, and He knows the plots and subplots of every event we are to encounter. He is constantly at work to weave these events together into a unique and beautiful life story for each of us. In our Life Map, we see glimpses of His grace at work.


God is sovereign over our lives.

He causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). In both good and bad times, God is in control. In good times, we praise God; in bad times, we learn to give thanks even though it may be difficult to do so. Even in our lowest points, God is with us and He cares for us. David gave us the assuring words, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me” (Psalm 23:4, NLT). 


Let us therefore live out our lives with a sense of calling and destiny as children of God. God is our sovereign Creator and Master of our lives. We must therefore steward well the human choices given to us by aligning our lives and values to God’s purposes and destiny for us. This is our act of surrender and worship (Romans 12:1-2).


Peace and Grace,

Lam Kok Hiang
Leadership Mentor


The Significance Project 作为学园传道会的生命辅导资源之一,要求课程参与者描绘各自的生命历程 (Life Maps),借此回溯过去、寻找 神在自己生命中留下的踪迹。辅导员可能推荐附有关键词的表格,比如“出生”(Heritage)、“低谷时刻”(Hurts)、 “人生巅峰”(Highs)、 “个人英雄”(Heroes)以及“神的作为”(Hand of God)等,方便各人绘制属于自己的故事。

我们常发现 神在个人生命里的工作而感到惊奇、谦卑自己。我们今日所有的都是出乎 神的带领,或起或落、或喜乐或愁苦,百转曲折。通过图表,我们也尝试观察各自人生的可能方向。

当大卫说:“我的一生都在祢的手中“(诗篇31:15a),他承认 神是自己的创造者,并且每一时刻、际遇以及境况都出乎 神的旨意、随祂的筹算立定。如果我们乐意效法大卫,将一生交托 神并相信祂会按时成就祂的旨意,我们怎样才能实在地活出这信仰呢?首先,我们必须意识到以下几点:






圣经说:“我未成形的身体,祢的眼睛早已看见;为我所定的日子,我还未度过一日,都完全记在祢的册上了”(诗篇139:16)。 神是大作者,世人各有所属,万物由始至终都在祂眼中。我们的一生如同案卷展开在他面前,钜细靡遗。如今 神仍在工作,万事由祂悉心编织成为美好,反映在各人生命里。通过各自的生命历程,我们得以略窥 神的恩典在其中。



祂叫万事为爱祂的人互相效力(罗马书8:28)。无论顺境或逆境, 神仍掌管一切。我们在好日子里赞美 神;苦难当头,我们咬紧牙根、学习感恩。我们若身处低谷, 神就在那里,因祂顾惜属祂的人。大卫的诗令人鼓舞:“我虽然行过死荫的山谷,也不怕遭受伤害,因为祢与我同在;祢的杖祢的竿都安慰我”(诗篇23:4)。


所以,我们当按蒙召的恩、作为 神的儿女,活出见证。 神是我们生命的主宰和创始成终者。因此,我们必须谨慎各自的选择,使我们的生活及价值观与 神的旨意和呼召相应。这是我们理所当然的顺服和敬拜(罗马书12:1-2)。


愿您经历 神的平安和恩典,


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