Soul Anchors

Loving with a Bruised Heart

Dear Ministry Partner,

This month’s article is written by Sharon Lam, in conjunction with Mother’s Day.

The last drop of water was the last straw. She set her son under a desert bush and sat at a distance, sobbing (Genesis 21:15-18). How could a mother bear to watch her son’s life slowly ebb away? Hagar was feeling helpless starved of water, love, hope. But God, in His love and mercy, assured Hagar that He had a plan for her son, and then He opened her eyes to the well of water.

Like Hagar, every woman has her own pains and pressure points – be it a demanding job, an ailing parent, a prodigal child, a disengaged husband, a fractured relationship, a broken dream, or even a tragic loss. Proverbs 14:10 says, 

“Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.”

A woman’s heart, especially that of a mother, is easily bruised because she loves much. A heart that gives freely in love renders itself to being broken and hurt. A careless word from a loved one can easily pierce the heart (Proverbs 12:18). A heart that is concerned about the “shoulds”, “oughts” and “what ifs” can get easily wearied. Our hearts can be crushed by the weight of worry, daunting caregiving demands or gaping wounds of betrayal, abuse or loss.

As we live in the gap between our ideals and realities, we are prone to question our own worth and the worth of our sacrifices. Who sees the work that we do, prays for us and knows our hopes and dreams, disappointments and fears?

The account of God’s response to Hagar reminds us of how deeply He cares for each of us too. God sees both our immediate and deeper needs, and knows our future intimately. How do we hold to this truth and persevere in living and loving with a bruised heart? Here are some ways that have helped me in my personal journey:

  • Come to Jesus. Jesus invites all who are weary and heavy laden to exchange our shoulder-bruising yoke for His light and easy one. And we will find rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28).
  • Meditate on God’s Word (Psalm 119:148; 63:6-8) rather than ruminating on the negative. [Check out Lectio 365 app]
  • Reach out to others for support.
  • Acknowledge our human limits. The work of calming the storm and soothing every pain belongs to Jesus, not us. We are not the cosmic Fix-it.
  • Done is better than perfect. Good is good enough. Embrace the gift of imperfection.
  • Do what gives you joy and replenishes your energy. Go for a walk, meet up with a friend, buy some flowers, and pamper yourself.

Be it the mundane moments or the dramas and traumas of life, God sees, God knows and God cares.

“He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds” – Psalm 147:3, NLT,

and He alone is our joy and reward.

“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.” – Psalm 30:11-12, NIV.

Blessed Mother’s Day to all mothers and spiritual mothers!

Fellow Sojourner,

Sharon Lam
Associate Team Leader
The Significance Project



皮袋里一滴水也没有,她彻底崩溃了,把儿子撇在矮树丛荫下,自己却走到不远处坐着大哭(创世记21:15-18)。试问天下母亲有哪个能忍心目睹自己的孩子逐渐消亡?夏甲彷徨无措 – 没水、没人爱、前途茫茫。但是 神以慈爱怜悯向夏甲保证她儿子的未来,又使她看见一口井水。

诚如夏甲,每个女人都有自己才知道的痛楚和软肋– 或工作苛刻、或父母年迈、或孩子顽劣、或丈夫冷漠、或情伤、或梦想破碎、又或曾经痛失某某。圣经说:“人的苦楚,只有自己心里知道;心中的喜乐,外人也不能分享”(箴言14:10,新译本,下同)。



圣经里 神对夏甲的回应提醒了读者,祂切实顾念每一个人。神看见我们现在以及更深层的需要,并且明了个人的未来。我们该怎样抓紧这层道理,即便怀揣一颗伤痕累累的心,还能保持生命活力和爱人呢?下列几点对我个人助益良多的心得:

  • 靠近耶稣。耶稣邀请凡劳苦担重担的人,从满是压痕的膀臂卸下重担,并接受祂那轻省的担子,我们就会得安息(马太福音11:28)。
  • 默想神的话(诗篇119:148;63:6-8)胜过纠结于负面思绪(查看Lectio 365 app)。
  • 联系他人,以得到扶持。
  • 意识人的极限。唯有耶稣(不是我们)能平息风浪及纾解痛苦,你我都不是宇宙拯救者。
  • 只求完成,不求完美。做得好已经足够。学习欣赏生活里的小缺失。
  • 做些令自己愉悦的事,怡情放松。散散步,与朋友相聚,买花,偶尔宠宠自己。

无论处于日常或是天翻地覆的时刻, 神都看见、 神都知晓、 神都眷顾。






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