Moses, Passover and the Exodus

Bill Bright

Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, had taken his family to Egypt to escape a famine. After four hundred years, his descendants had multiplied greatly. A new king of Egypt arose, and because he was concerned about their numbers, he subjected the Israelites to cruel slavery.

Exodus 1 and 2 give an account of this development, of the birth and life of Moses, and of the people's cry to God for deliverance. God heard their cry and sent Moses to lead them out of Egypt.

Moses the Leader

Read Hebrews 11:23-29. Why do you think God chose Moses to lead His people?

Read Exodus 3-4. When God told Moses what He wanted him to do, how did He say the people would react? (Verse 18) Whose work was this going to be (3:17, 20-21 and 4:12)? Where did Moses fit in?

In Exodus 4, how did Moses respond, and how did God handle those responses?

In Exodus 4:1, 31 Moses said of the people, "Why is it they do not believe me?" When Moses was obedient, how did the people respond in verse 31?

The Passover

Read Exodus 12. Why was God sending plagues at this time?

What was the most vital instruction given to Israel in verse 13?

What are the correlations between Christ's death and the Passover as indicated in these scriptures?
Exodus 12:3 to John 1:29
Exodus 12:5-6 to Isaiah 53:7 and I Peter 2:22
Exodus 12:6 to I Corinthians 5:7

Blood applied to the two doorposts (sides) and to the lintel (top) created what kind of picture?

What do you suppose happened to those who disobeyed the instructions given through Moses? What spiritual truth do you believe this illustrates?

What does Exodus 12:29 teach about God being a respecter of persons? How does this apply to the condition of any person who has not received Christ?

The Exodus ("Going Out")

One of the most important events in the history of Israel occurred immediately following the Passover. What was it? (Exodus 12:40-41)

Compare Exodus 3:7-8 and John 3:16. How do you see them being related?

One of the the most remarkable and well-known miracles in the world is recorded in Exodus 14. Summarize it here. What spiritual truth does this experience suggest to you?

While the Israelites were in the wilderness, they had many trials and hardships. Several times in the many years of wandering before coming into the land that had been promised them, they failed God. (See Exodus 17:1-7; 32:1-6,15-20, and Numbers 21:4-9)What practical value do these events recorded in the Old Testament have for you today? (I Corinthians 10:5-11) What wrong attitudes and sins were shown in these examples?

In summary of the wilderness wanderings mentioned in I Corinthians 10:1-13, what is God's promise to you? Write out the verse that contains the promise, and claim it.

Life Application

God asked Moses a question in Exodus 4:2. What was it?

God expects us to use what we have. Moses used a rod; David used a sling; Gideon used lanterns, pitchers, and trumpets. What is in your hands?

How do you think God wants you to use what he has entrusted to you?

How can you use I Corinthians 10:13 in your daily life?


Adapted from The 10 Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity, by Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Cru. All rights reserved.


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