Today's Promise

Today's Promise

He Honors the Humble

"For everyone who tries to honor himself shall be humbled: and he who humbles himself shall be honored" (Luke 14:11).

At times I am respectfully amused at the repetition of certain themes in the Word of God - repeated over and over again so that you and I will not forget the importance of the message. This is one of those principles.

Many missionaries have given up honor, acclaim, and success at home in obedience to God's call upon their lives. Perhaps to their surprise, God has honored them in many ways despite the fact that they purposely gave up all rights to such honor.

In every field of endeavor, the principle is true. Most men who seek genuine acclaim are thoroughly humbled along the way. Conversely, most people who humble themselves as a part of their commitment to Jesus Christ and His service are eventually honored.

I have seen this truth fulfilled on numerous occasions in the work of Campus Crusade for Christ to which the Lord has called me. Many young people have stepped into unsung roles of service for their Master. God has honored them not only with fruit for their hire, but also with a measure of acclaim they never would have achieved otherwise.

It is part of God's plan to abase the proud and raise up the humble. Our goal should be committed service for the Savior. We should let Him take care of the honoring and the humbling.

Bible Reading: Matthew 23:5-12

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: I'll recognize anew today that the only good thing about me - and about any believer - is the reality of my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through the indwelling person of the Holy Spirit.

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