Today's Promise

Today's Promise

Because You Believe

"You believed that God would do what He said; that is why He has given you this wonderful blessing" (Luke 1:45).

So much of the life you and I live as Christians depends on simple belief. Do we really trust God to do what He says He will do?

This particular verse, of course, concerns Mary. No doubt she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus because of the faith God knew she possessed. In any case, God honored that faith by bestowing upon her the highest privilege any mother could have.

Even taken out of context, the meaning is the same: If we truly believe God will do what He says, the wonderful blessing He promises will be ours. And that applies to every area of our lives - spiritual, physical, material.

What is your greatest need today? If you are a housewife and mother, it may be for patience and love. If you are a business or professional man or woman, it may be for wisdom or strength or courage. If you are a student, it may be for persistence, commitment, application.

In all probability, you cannot think of a circumstance or situation which is beyond the ability of God to control. The promises of God are both general and specific, so that they will meet the need of every heart and life.

We may expect a great blessing from God today. Why? Because we are going to believe He will do what He said.

Bible Reading: Luke 1:39-44

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: "Dear Lord, I will believe you for supernatural living in every situation and circumstance of my life this day."

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