Today's Promise

Today's Promise

Yours Is the Kingdom

"So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom" (Luke 12:32).

Do you like the picture, as I do, of being a part of God's little flock? That makes Him our shepherd, of course, and it makes us His sheep. How apt a picture!

Often, I am sure, most of us must seem to wander like lost sheep - not knowing which way to turn. It is at such times, in particular, that I need to see the Lord Jesus Christ as my great Shepherd, tenderly watching over me in the midst of every kind of heartache and burden.

In Judea, it was common to see men tending sheep, looking over the flocks by day and night. The shepherd watched over them, defended them, provided for them, led them to green pastures and beside still water.

Jesus was - and is - the Good Shepherd. His flock was relatively small. Few really followed Him, compared to the multitude who ignored Him. Though small in number, they were not to fear because God was their Friend. He would provide for them. He purposed to give them the kingdom and they had nothing to fear.

Today, we are part of a large and growing flock with a great and loving Shepherd. Just to know that He watches over us - cares for us - is joy supreme.

Bible Reading: Luke 12:28-34

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: During the day I will deliberately look up into God's heaven several times to see that great Shepherd of the sheep, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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