Christian Stories About Helping Others

Loving Our Neighbours

Launch of local and overseas humanitarian work

In 2022, we launched two humanitarian initiatives. LoveVerdun serves residents around the Cru Centre vicinity at Verdun Road. Along with that, we have also launched a humanitarian initiative focused on the developing nations in Southeast Asia.

To kick off, the LoveVerdun team went on prayer walks to understand the profile and needs of the people. 

"We see some elderly gather at the coffee shops, and some sitting alone on chairs by the road. Sadly, some with mobility issues are confined to their flats,” observed LoveVerdun team member Mun Yen Mei. 

Since then, they have begun to partner with King George's Avenue Seniors Activity Centre (KGA SAC) through joining in their monthly (or bi-monthly) ad hoc activities for the seniors living in six rental blocks nearby. These activities range from National Day celebrations, to birthday celebrations. 

The team has gotten to know the elderly at a deeper level and realised that they come from all walks of life. One is a former teacher, with whom a Cru staff connected instantly, having taught at the same school previously. There is also an elderly gentleman who is well-educated, has travelled extensively and keeps himself updated with current news and trends. In fact, he is on many social media platforms including TikTok!

In November 2022, the team gathered a group of volunteers to clean up 12 homes to make them more livable. They also raised funds for 38 households to receive electronic items of their choice.

Jacky with a volunteer and a beneficiary who received new eyeglasses

In contrast, the overseas humanitarian work takes on a more evangelistic slant. Led by veteran missionary Jacky Tan, he hopes to help the locals in both their physical and spiritual needs. 

In August 2022, Jacky, together with US Cru teams and local Cru teams in a creative access country, hosted vision clinics in five villages. Villagers were fitted with eyeglasses while trained local volunteers spoke with recipients about the eternal hope of Jesus. The JESUS film was also shown to participants in the church compound where the vision clinics were held. 

Over one week, more than 1600 people received eyeglasses, 965 heard the full presentation of the gospel and 265 made decisions to follow Jesus. 

One of the team members shared, "I saw a lady weeping as they shared with her about Jesus.  They all held hands with her as she prayed to accept the message of Jesus."

Quoting from Matthew 9:36, Jacky shares, “‘When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.’ My vision is to help the poor and the needy in their livelihood and also in their spiritual needs by giving them the opportunity to hear the gospel at least once in their lifetime.”

Volunteer with LoveVerdun


Volunteer on Overseas Humanitarian Trips


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