
Your guide to every resource you need for this Easter Holiday!

10 Activities for a Stay-at-Home Easter

10 Activities for a Stay-at-Home Easter

Staying at home this Easter? Here are 10 exciting things to do with your roommates or family to fill up your Easter celebration with fun!

How to Use Chalk to Share The Gospel While Social Distancing

How to Use Chalk to Share The Gospel While Social Distancing

This year will look a little different. It is April 2020, and the whole world is in a state of panic. Use your mission field, your neighborhood, to share the gospel in a fun way through sidewalk chalk.

Why the Resurrection Matters to You

Why the Resurrection Matters to You

Daily more and more people are looking – and some are taking a second look – at the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth.

Rolling Away the Stone of Doubt in the Resurrection

Rolling Away the Stone of Doubt in the Resurrection

Easter is approaching, and it's an opportune time to talk to others around us about Jesus. The death and resurrection of Christ are central to Christianity, so it should be easy, right? Well, maybe not.

Who is Looking Forward to the Monday After Easter?

Who is Looking Forward to the Monday After Easter?

We prepare our hearts in anticipation of Easter. We reflect on the cross and its significance. We feel the long, heavy pause between Good Friday and Easter Sunday — waiting for the discovery of an empty grave and a risen Savior. And then it comes. He comes! And then it’s Monday.

Experiencing Easter Through Your 5 Senses

Experiencing Easter Through Your 5 Senses

How do we make the Easter message relevant without diluting it? Try these refreshing ideas incorporating all 5 senses. 

My Husband's Death Changed the Way I See Easter

My Husband's Death Changed the Way I See Easter

A young woman’s perspective on resurrection changed after she suddenly became a widow. 

10 Easter Outreach Ideas

10 Easter Outreach Ideas

Here are 10 outreach ideas for you to use this Easter from staff members of Cru.

Killing Lambs? Making Sense of the Passover Meal

Killing Lambs? Making Sense of the Passover Meal

Learn what the Passover meal, the setting of the Lord’s supper, means to us today.

Bringing Easter Back From the Dead

Bringing Easter Back From the Dead

Why does candy sometimes seem more real to me at Easter than the Resurrection?

Prepare Your Heart for Easter

Prepare Your Heart for Easter

Too often we miss the opportunity to draw near to God during the days leading up to Easter. Discover some ways to prepare your heart to truly celebrate the depth of Christ's love this Easter season.


Jesus Film Project: My Last Day

Bible Project - "Messiah"

Bible Project - "Gospel of the Kingdom"

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