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Experiencing Easter Through Your 5 Senses

When I was growing up, my parents surprised my brother, sister and me with a white rabbit as an Easter gift. We came up with an “original” name for our new pet: Easter.

Just like chocolate and jelly beans, the Easter bunny can sometimes be the only other thing people know about the holiday.

However, the true meaning is about so much more. During Easter, we’re reminded that Jesus offers love, forgiveness and a new life of freedom from sin and shame.

The Apostle Paul writes about the power of this message in his letter to the Christians in Rome, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16, English Standard Version).

So how do we experience and easily share this message? 

Here are five ways (by using all of your senses) to experience the gospel message and share it with those in your home, church and community.


On an audio Bible, listen to the gospel stories from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Hear the people shouting to crucify Jesus. Reflect on what Jesus went through to die for your sins. Remember how His death on the cross gave you new life if you have accepted Him as your Savior. Before Jesus died on the cross He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30, ESV). He was a perfect, sinless sacrifice dying on the cross a death we deserved.

Music is also a powerful way to tell the story of who God is and what He has done. During the month of Easter, some churches have choirs telling the story of Jesus.

Consider listening to some songs that communicate the Easter message:


"The Story of Jesus for Children" film, adapted from the film JESUS and the Gospel of Luke, is available in 158 languages. One year, my wife and I helped show the film to children involved in the Awana program at our church. Instead of having them watch the movie in one sitting, we showed the film in three segments over three weeks. My wife and I still joke about how we remember the children saying, “Aw, you always stop at the good part.”

Other movies that you can show at your church, in your home or community include the animated film "The Prince of Egypt" (watch trailer or order online).

Teenagers and adults may prefer the movie "Risen," about a Roman army officer’s (played by Joseph Fiennes) search for Christ after His Resurrection.

Other options are "JESUS" and "Magdalena: Through Her Eyes," which can be streamed for free at or the Jesus Film Media app


For children especially, having a tangible activity with a gospel message can help. Use FamilyLife’s Resurrections Eggs®  to share the story of Jesus with the children in your life. If you do, consider throwing a neighborhood party with an easter egg hunt. You can download FamilyLife’s free Resurrection Eggs® activity book with recipes, games, crafts, and party-planning tips.

You could also help children make gospel bracelets or necklaces using beads with colors like black, red, white, gold and green, and explain the plan of salvation with Scripture verses. Many options are available online.


Serve a Passover Seder meal and read the Passover story in Exodus chapter 12. The bread and bitter herbs of the meal can help you understand how the Old Testament Passover story is a foreshadowing of Jesus the Messiah coming and being the Passover lamb to save us from our sins. You can schedule a Passover presentation at your church through Jews for Jesus


Make and bake resurrection cookies that help explain the gospel story to your children.

As each ingredient is prepared for the recipe, the object lesson is explained through each step, and the Scripture lesson that goes with that point is read. For example, have each child smell the vinegar and tell him about when Jesus was given vinegar to drink on the cross (John 19:28-30). Once the oven is preheated and all the cookies are on the cookie sheet, turn off the oven and leave the cookies overnight. In the morning, the cookies are ready and have hollow centers to remind us of the empty tomb.

(For more information, check out this recipe.)

Each year, we celebrate Easter as a fresh reminder of what Christ has done for us. I hope these ideas help make Easter more meaningful in your home, church and community.

More Easter resources, check out our Easter article homepage.

Article adapted from original publication in Cru’s former magazine, Worldwide Challenge

Rich Atkinson

began his journalism career as a newspaper correspondent for his local paper in Ohio. He covered city council meetings, wrote features and took photos. Rich served with Worldwide Challenge magazine from 2008-2016. Now, he writes field reports for another Cru ministry. Contact Rich at

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