Stories by Rich Atkinson

Rich Atkinson

began his journalism career as a newspaper correspondent for his local paper in Ohio. He covered city council meetings, wrote features and took photos. Rich served with Worldwide Challenge magazine from 2008-2016. Now, he writes field reports for another Cru ministry. Contact Rich at

Does Nature Make You Pray?

Using prayer prompts from everyday life can refresh how we pray for our family, our world and ourselves.

Character Traits to Pray for This Year

This year, pray that God would grow your character through the following 12 traits. Pray for a different character trait each month and journal about the changes you see God developing in you throughout the year.

What Happened When I Shared My Pain

Learn how to tell your “before and after Christ” testimony with authenticity.

One Easy Way to Talk About Jesus With Today’s Generation

The Agape movement in Switzerland uses four symbols on a wristband to simply and clearly explain the gospel.

Are You Communicating Well?

Our communication can either take away from the gospel message or illuminate the gospel message.

Perspective: Spiritual Conversation Cards

Barry Warren developed the Perspective cards evangelism tool over a 2-year period. See how he used it on a plane with a man named David.

Perspective: Spiritual Conversation Cards

Perspective is a new tool from Cru to engage others in spiritual conversations to understand what others believe and why. The tool looks like a colorful deck of playing cards and fits in your pocket or purse.

How to Talk With Agnostics and Atheists

How can we help agnostics know and follow Christ? Let’s look into the life of one former skeptic and the tool he developed to help us better converse spiritually with others.

Does Your Personality Type Affect the Way You Evangelize?

Your God-given personality is unique and the way God gifted you to glory Him. How your personality type and the personality type of the non-Christian play a role in presenting and understanding the gospel.

6 Things You Need To Know If You Want To Make Disciples

Tariku Fufa is helping make Christ-centered disciples in 24 African countries. He credits these 6 principles with why he’s seen so many multiply.

Is Christianity a paradox?

Christianity is different than all other religions. Salvation comes through God’s grace through faith so no man can boast. Christianity is full of ironies, yet remains absolutely true. When we are weak, we are strong and consider it all joy when we face trials.

Does God Always Answer Prayer?

What to do when God isn’t moving the way you hope or expect.

Oh, The Places You'll Go

Missionary kids (or MKs) need help processing moving from overseas. MK2MK helps them process the change through a debriefing weekend in Florida.

How Not to Forget God's Promises

We are easily prone to forget the things God has done in our lives and promised us in Scripture. Here are a few ways to keep remembering.

Sticking with Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are a good way to keep with God’s growth plan. Read about what I’ve learned from failing with my resolutions in the past.

Experiencing Easter Through Your 5 Senses

How do we make the Easter message relevant without diluting it? Try these refreshing ideas incorporating all 5 senses.

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