
Study Abroad in South Africa FAQ

When will I go?
Tentative dates for our first trip are set for January 25th-June 10th, 2015.

Where will we be studying?
You will be studying at the number one university in all of Africa: The University of Cape Town.

How much does it cost and what’s included in the price?
We are still working out the budget, but you can expect a cost of around $15,000 for the semester including airfare, food and housing, in country travel, administrative fees and tuition.

How do I pay for this?
You can pay for Study Abroad with Cru in Cape Town the same way you pay for any other study abroad or a semester at your home university using personal funds, loans and scholarships. Please note that you will need to check with institutions giving you loans and scholarships to make sure you are following their requirements before leaving. We will probably encourage you to raise $1,500 to $2,000 for ministry and program expenses.

What will the college coursework be like?
You will have an opportunity to earn between 12 and 16 credit hours taking courses that are in line with your degree. The University of Cape Town has five different faculties (or colleges); Commerce, Engineering and the Built Environment, Health Sciences, Humanities and Science, so you will find classes that are beneficial to almost any major. You do not have to focus only on one area of study and you will have opportunities to study the history and culture of the region as well. You should expect the level of your courses to be fairly similar to the instruction you receive in the states.

How do I get my credits to transfer?
UCT is a major university with an established study abroad program, so classes should transfer without issue to your home campus. You will need to talk to your study abroad office before leaving and fill out their required forms so you can be assured that your credits will transfer back before you ever get on the plane. UCT will supply your home institution with three copies of your transcript along with an explanation of the grading system they use upon completion of the program.

**Please note that most American universities require you to apply separately with them to study abroad. This is standard no matter where you go and is usually a simple process as long as you meet basic academic requirements.

Who can be accepted into this program?
College students in at least their sophomore year can apply. Recent graduates are also encouraged to apply. UCT requires international students to complete at least three semesters at their home university before enrolling and hold a 3.0 GPA.

What would a typical week include?
A normal week will look similar to a typical week on your home campus (classes, studying, spending time with friends, Bible study) with one addition…you will be living life on mission! This means you will be actively involved in ministry activities and sharing your faith throughout the week. Additionally, you will receive ministry training and personal development. But don’t worry, you will still have plenty of time to rest, engage with the culture and explore this beautiful city!

You say we’ll go in teams. How many people will that be?
We are aiming for teams of ten men and women with one full-time Cru staff member.

What kind of ministry are we likely to do?
Ministry actually looks pretty similar to what Cru staff and students do on American campuses. Students in South Africa are very open to the gospel. You will be working alongside your team, local ministry staff and South African students to share your faith with the hope of reaching every pocket of UCT’s campus with the gospel. You also may have opportunities to engage in serving South Africans living in the townships just outside of Cape Town, but your primary focus will be on campus.

Where will we live?
You will live off campus in apartment style housing relatively close to your university.

I love Shark Week, isn’t Cape Town where great whites fly out of the water to eat seals?
Yes, and they are even more awesome in person.

Seasons are flipped there, are semesters flipped too?
Yes. Our spring semester equals their fall semester. So, you will play a very important role in meeting students, sharing the gospel and building the movement on campus at the busiest ministry time of the year!

What language do they speak in South Africa?
English! South Africa actually has 11 official languages, but English is very commonly spoken in Cape Town and classes at UCT are all in English.

What is the application process?
If you have applied for a Cru Summer Mission Project, the process will be very familiar. You will complete an online application and provide contact information for references. After reviewing your application and references, we will contact you by phone to get to know you a bit and later notify you regarding your acceptance. We will also help you walk through the process of applying to UCT.

Note: You will also need to apply separately to study abroad through your home university.

Where do I apply?
We are going in 2015, so you can’t apply just yet. But check back right here next spring or summer and we will have a link to the application. In the meantime, please contact us and let us know you are interested. That way we can dialogue with you plan together between now and then.

What if I want to study abroad on mission in Cape Town before spring 2015?
Please contact us! We would love to talk to you and may be able to help you connect with local ministry staff and give you some good resources. Your time would be much less structured and you wouldn’t have a team, but you could still be every bit as intentional to share your faith while you are there studying!

Who do I contact for more information?
Please contact our program coordinators, Brian and Jason, at with any questions you have about this trip or just to let us know you are interested so we can stay in touch!

If you would like to get a visual taste of Cape Town, check out this video from one of Cru’s recent summer projects to this great city.

Learn more about 2013-14 opportunities

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