
Study Abroad in East Asia

If you Study Abroad with Cru in East Asia, you will spend a semester on a major campus in one of the most important and influential cities in the world.

Along with the incredible cultural exposure and educational advancement, you will be on mission under the guidance of a seasoned team of Cru staff outside of the classroom. We will study abroad and meet students, share the Gospel, and start spiritual movements on a campus in a city with almost a million college students. We will dive into the rich and storied culture of East Asia and open doors for the gospel to change lives.

You will learn how to build relationship with East Asian students, use your testimony to share the gospel and help new believers grow in their faith…all while growing in your own walk with God and living in community with other believers!

Why East Asia?

In Acts 1:8, Jesus told His followers that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the remotest ends of the earth. Christian history is filled with faithful men and women who have taken the Gospel to unreached peoples so that valuable lives might be transformed by Christ. In East Asia, history is now. Currently, revival is happening in East Asia unlike any we have seen before. God is moving and millions of people are coming to know the Lord. East Asians are now carrying the good news into countries that are difficult for Westerners to even enter! Even so, there is still much work to be done. Is God calling you to the harvest?

Learn more about 2013-14 opportunities

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