
Study Abroad in London FAQ

What are the dates?
King’s College: January 3 – June 6, 2014
SOAS: January 6 – June 13, 2014
LSE offers full year study abroad only: October 2 – July 3

Why these three London campuses?
We will be forming a team to work alongside the Cru (called ‘Agape’ in Europe) staff team in London. These three campuses are centrally located in London, have a Agape staff presence, and are within walking distance of each other. This team will be able to live and minister together even if they go to different campuses. LSE is unique in that it only offers study abroad for the entire school year and not for semesters.

What will ministry look like?
A typical week in London would look pretty similar to being a Cru student leader back home. There will be a weekly schedule of small groups, weekly meeting, community building events and evangelism. You will take part of helping lead aspects of this within a team. Expect about 15 hours/week of involvement worked around your classwork.

How many people are on a team?
Ideally, we would like to see teams of 4-10 American study abroad students working alongside the Agape staff team each semester.

What will the coursework be like?
It will be similar to a normal load (about 16 credit hours) of classes you would have in the States. These universities offer a wide variety of programs for coursework that will count towards most students’ degrees. The study abroad office on your campus can help you select the courses you need for your degree requirements.

How much will it cost?
Kings $13,000
SOAS $14,000
LSE $27,000

Housing: $1,000/month
Food and other living expenses: $1,000/month
Airfare: $1,000

Approximate totals:
Kings: $24,000
SOAS: $25,000
LSE (for the year): $48,000

How do I pay for the program?
You can pay to Study Abroad with Cru in London the same way you pay for other study abroad program (or at your home university): personal funds, loans or scholarships. The study abroad office on your campus can help you with the process.

How do I apply?
The application process to Study Abroad with Cru London has two aspects:

  1. Follow the link to apply with Cru by October 1: the Study Abroad with Cru London application
  2. Apply separately to the London college of your choice (Kings or SOAS for spring 2014).

King’s College: study abroad page and pages for US students
application deadline: Nov 1 (Oct 1 for medical/health majors)

SOAS: study abroad page for US students  and study abroad brochure
application deadline: October 30

LSE: study abroad brochure

What are the minimum application qualifications?
Kings: 3.3gpa and one completed year of college
SOAS: 3.0gpa (3.3 or better is ideal for acceptance) and one completed year of college
LSE: 3.3gpa and at least 3 completed semesters.

Once you’re accepted into the Study Abroad with Cru program and into the university of your choice, our staff will begin working to find you suitable housing near campus for you and your team members to live together.

How do I get my credits to transfer?
These are major universities with established study abroad programs. Classes should transfer without issue to your home campus. You will need to talk to your study abroad office before leaving and fill out their required forms so you can be assured that your credits will transfer back before you ever get on the plane.

Anything else worth knowing?
We’re making plans to go on a spring break vision/missions trip with Agape students to a country on the Mediterranean Sea. We’ll let you know more about it as you’re in the application process.

More questions?
Email Jason
and he’ll be happy to help.

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