
Study Abroad in Greece FAQ

NOTE: Our next Study Abroad with Cru team in Greece is slated for spring semester of 2015.
The dates will be approximately February 5 to June 15.

How much does it cost and what’s included in the price?
Your cost of $8500 includes airfare, food and housing, in country travel, and administrative fees. It does not include class tuition.

How will I pay this fee?
Keep in mind this is a mission trip first and foremost. You will be working with local Cru missionaries to help reach students with the gospel on your campus. Because of this, you will be able to raise support to cover the cost as you would for a Cru Summer Project or our one-year Stint. We will give you the same training and tools to raise support that Cru has used to help thousands of college students take part in our Summer Projects.

How will the academics work?
You will not be taking classes at a Greek university. Because Greek universities can be very difficult to partner most American universities create satellite campuses and programs in Greece for their study abroad programs. Commuting across Athens twice a day to take classes through an American campus (with American students) makes it impossible to spend time ministering to Greek students.

We encourage students to explore online courses offered through their university or through another accredited university that will transfer. Independent study may be another viable option. We can help you craft an academic plan for the semester that best fits your needs. Our target is 6 credit hours of work for each student. We will schedule time for academic work, but taking 12 credit hours of online classes in Greece will not be possible. If you in a ministry major at a Christian college, it is possible that this can count as a required field experience internship.

Please be sure to visit with your academic advisor about your degree plan, transfer credits and whether the options described here will work in your unique situation. They are the experts on academics and graduation at your school.

The academic side sounds complicated. Do I have to take classes?
No. Unlike our other opportunities, if you’ve recently graduated or just want to take a semester off from the books, you are not required to have academic work. Your schedule will parallel that of the Athens Stint team. BUT… you do need to talk this through with your academic advisor to be sure that it does not affect your enrollment status.

What is the culture like?
Greece is a very outgoing culture. If you love long talks over a coffee or Italian soda, this is the place. You will be spending a lot of your time hanging out in campus coffee shops with Greek students and looking for ways to open doors for spiritual conversations.

Where will I live?
You will be living in apartments either with or near the Stint team that arrives in Athens in the fall. We will house four men in an apartment and four women in their own apartment.

Who can be accepted into this program?
College students need to at least be in their sophomore year to apply. Recent graduates are also encouraged to apply.

How do I apply?
We’ll begin taking applications in summer of 2014. An application link will be posted here.

Who do I contact for ongoing information about studying abroad in Greece?

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