Today's Promise

Today's Promise

Knowledge and Wisdom

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness. Then it is peace-loving and courteous. It allows discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good deeds. It is wholehearted and straightforward and sincere" (James 3:17).

"Donkeys laden with books," a phrase in rabbinical literature, is descriptive of those who know much but still remain fools.

Another expression says that "knowledge is power." True, but how is the knowledge used - beneficially or malevolently? That is a vitally important question. We have more knowledge than ever before, but a few would claim that we have more wisdom.

Going faster and faster, we may be still going astray. Just as grapes are not picked from a bramble bush, neither can the good life be harvested from sowing wild oats.

For a nation of people, many of whom are "educated beyond their intelligence," as an anonymous wit once observed, America sorely lacks a sufficiency of men with real wisdom - that which is given by the Lord Himself.

In our modern education, we seem to be preoccupied with the accumulation of knowledge, to the neglect of that wisdom which alone can save us from the misuse of knowledge.

William Lyon Phelps, famous English professor at Yale University and a godly statesman, once said, "If I could choose between a knowledge of the Bible and a college education, I would readily choose the knowledge of the Bible."

If we lack wisdom, God's wisdom, we need only ask of Him and He will grant it when we ask in faith, according to His promise in James 1:5.

Bible Reading: James 3:13-18

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: In order to live a supernatural life I'll look for divine wisdom from the proper source - God, His Word, and His indwelling Holy Spirit.

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