Today's Promise

Today's Promise

Produce Lovely Fruit

"You didn't choose Me! I chose you! I appointed you to go and produce lovely fruit always, so that no matter what you ask for from the Father, using My name, He will give it to you" (John 15:16).

Some time ago I asked a leading theologian and dean of faculty of a renowned theological seminary if he felt that one could be a Spirit-filled person without sharing Christ as a way of life.

His answer was an emphatic, "No!" On what basis could he make such a strong statement? The answer is obvious. Our Savior came to "seek and to save the lost" and He has "chosen and ordained" us to share the good news of His love and forgiveness with everyone, everywhere.

To be unwilling to witness for Christ with our lips is to disobey this command just as much as to be unwilling to witness for Him by living holy lives is to disobey His command. In neither case can the disobedient Christian expect God to control and empower his life.

There are those who say, "I witness for Christ by living a good life." But it is not enough to live a good life. Many non-Christians live fine, moral, ethical lives.

According to the Lord Jesus, the only way we can demonstrate that we are truly following Him is to produce fruit, which includes introducing others to our Savior as well as living holy lives. And the only way we can produce fruit is through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Bible Reading: John 15:7-15

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: My part of the "bargain" is to share the good news which will produce lovely fruit; God's part is to provide the wisdom, love and power, through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, to be a fruitful witness. "Lord help me to be faithful in my part, knowing You will be faithful in Yours."

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