40 Days of Worship and Seeking the Lord Together

40 Days of Worship and Seeking the Lord Together

Pathway to Increased Attentiveness (March 27-April 5)

Today marks our 20th day together on this incredible journey towards deeper intimacy with Jesus. Tomorrow we begin the next leg of our journey together, the Pathway of Dependence.

Narrowing our focus in order to selectively focus in on Jesus is not easy to do. We've taken some time to refresh our hearts, to remind ourselves of Jesus' presence, and to receive His grace and truth. Now we're going to ask Him to help us listen and pay attention to His voice.

Rest, Rest. Rest in God's love. The only work you are required to do is to give your most intense attention to His still, small voice within." - Madame Jeanne Guyon

Day 20, Pathway to Attentiveness | April 5, 2011

"The Spirit teaches me to yield my will entirely to the will of the Father. He opens my ear to wait in great gentleness and teachableness of soul for what the Father has day-to-day to speak and to teach. He discovers to me how union with God's will is union with God Himself; how entire surrender to God's will is the Father's claim, the Son's example; and the true blessedness of soul." - Andrew Murray

As we move from the Pathway of Attentiveness to the Pathway of Dependence, what have you heard the Lord say this week?

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