Want to Start a Ministry on Your Campus?

Imagine if every student on your campus was given the opportunity to hear about Jesus...

God is working in amazing ways in the lives of students around the world. He is bringing thousands to know Him through people stepping out in faith just like you.

Do you sense God inviting you to join Him in connecting Jesus to others around you?

We can help. In Cru, our passion is connecting people to Jesus and seeing Him change lives. We want to help people share this passion. We can equip you to share Jesus and encourage you along the way.

Do you want to get started? You can talk with a coach about it. Call or text us at (978) 482-7713. Here are the questions we will discuss as you proceed.

What's on Your Heart?

If you sense God leading you to start a ministry on your campus, we want to help. You don't have to do this alone. The very best way we can help you is to provide a coach for you. He or she will guide you, answering questions, suggesting tools and resources, and encouraging you along the way. Scroll on down to see all you need to get started and what a coach might offer.

Components of Movement Launching



Here are five resources that will help you grow as a leader and give you vision and direction.



Here are some resources on prayer that we think will help you grow in your relationship with God and as a spiritual leader.



We will show you some resources that will help you grow your heart for evangelism and equip yourself and others in communicating the good news of Jesus Christ.



There are multiple ways that you can build into your movement and they are reflected in the resources we will show you.



We will share resources that will help your vision and efforts as you send students out to win, build, and send others.

Contact Us

Contact Us

We want to get to know you and learn what God has done to bring you to this point. And we can answer any questions you might have. Call or text us at (978) 482-7713 to talk with a coach.

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