Want to Start a Ministry on Your Campus?

Discipleship - Start a Ministry

당신의 캠퍼스-제자 사역을 시작 하 고 싶어
“and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2 ESV

As we grow in our faith, we get to pass along what we have learned to others, just as Timothy was challenged to in the verse above.

We do not need a seminary degree or a teaching major. We only need a growing, Spirit-filled heart and trust in God who will work through us to bring about His glory in the lives of those we lead.

Before us is the chance to develop those we lead in their worship of God, Biblical understanding, moral convictions, ministry vision, relational skills and personal areas of struggle.

As a movement leader our hope is that many of those involved in our movements will also become leaders. As they do, their faith will be stretched and they will be gaining leadership experience that can be applied to a lifetime of gospel influence.

There are multiple ways that you can build into your movement and they are reflected in  the resources we will show you. Use these tools as a foundation and contextualize them to your audience as needed.

  1. Vision for Transformational Community
  2. Discipleship Vision and Schedule
    1. Design for Disipleship
    2. Primer on Discipleship
  3. Small Groups
    1. The Community
    2. Building Community in a Small Group Study
  4. Discipleship Training, Schedule, and Strategies
    1. Cover the Right Studies
    2. Do the Right Planning
    3. Always keep the end in mind - Transferring your Leadership



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