Want to Start a Ministry on Your Campus?

Who is Cru?

Want to Start a Ministry on Your Campus - Who is Cru

Cru is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization that began in 1951.

We started as a campus ministry at UCLA. Over the last 65 years we have followed God into expanded opportunities to reach out to inner cities, government leaders, athletes, the military, and business professionals all around the world. Today, there are over 50,000 students involved with Cru’s high school and university campus ministry in more than 150 countries across the globe.

Our Statement of Faith is a great place to start in understanding our theological beliefs.  

In summary, we believe that God loves us. But we all have sinned and are in need of a Savior. God sent His son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sins by His death and resurrection. And we experience this gift of grace through faith in what Jesus has done for us. We believe in, follow, and teach the Bible.

As God invites you toward spiritual influence in the lives of others, we can help you with perspective and tools to get started. Our resources and coaching are free to anyone who wants them.  

To ask a question or get connected to a coach, fill out this Contact Form. We are excited to hear what God has put on your heart and want to help you in any way we can.

Call or text us at (978) 482-7713 to talk with a coach.

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Unto® Water Challenge

Wait 2 Hydrate

Wait 2 hours before drinking to reflect on those who lack clean water. Sign up to raise awareness and win prizes!

boy holding water bottle



Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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