Want to Start a Ministry on Your Campus - Send

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 ESV

“As the Father sent me, so I send you.” -Jesus, John 20:21

Cru’s mission statement is turning lost students into lifelong, Christ-centered laborers.  We hope to see students who were part of your movement in college, leading family member, co-workers, and neighbors to Christ, bringing them into community, helping them grow in Christ-likeness and sending them to do the same wherever God leads them.

From the first day that someone gets involved with Cru, we want them to catch a vision for becoming a life-time witness for Christ. Their walk with God and spiritual influence will go far beyond their time with us.

Sending involves giving each person involved in our movement opportunities where their faith will grow and their vision for what God has for them to expand.

We will share resources that will help your vision and efforts as you send students out to win, build, and send others.

  1. The Importance of Conferences

  2. Calendar year of conferences

    1. After the first six weeks or so, a Fall retreat.  It’s very likely that Cru has one of these within 4 hours of your campus.

    2. Winter Conference locations and dates around the U.S. for this Winter.

    3. Spring Break opportunities with Cru.

    4. Summer Missions – stateside and global.

    5. Summer Connect.



Unto® Water Challenge

Wait 2 Hydrate

Wait 2 hours before drinking to reflect on those who lack clean water. Sign up to raise awareness and win prizes!

boy holding water bottle



Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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