Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

God Desires Fellowship with Us

“The LORD is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him sincerely” (Psalm 145:18 NIV).

Why is it that God is within us, yet so many of us live our lives with little awareness of His presence? We face life's problems without taking advantage of His wisdom. We cope with crises without calling upon the limitless strength that He offers. Why does this happen?

It certainly is not because God wants it to be so. The Lord longs to maintain a close friendship with us. I believe the key word in the above verse is “sincerely.” How sincere are you? Do you really want to have a relationship with Him? Or are you simply looking for instant help from the immediate problem of the day? Do you wish to partake in a rich and full relationship with the King of all kings? Or are you concerned that He might interfere with the way you want to run your life?

Those impure motives will never cause God to stop reaching out to you, but they will make it difficult for you to know the fullness of His love and power. Only when we come to a sincere desire for Him, will we discover what He has wanted us to have all along.

The Lord desires daily fellowship with us through the Holy Spirit who indwells us. The moment you receive Christ into your life, He enters your heart in the person of the Holy Spirit. Though you may not always be aware of Him, He takes permanent residence inside you every moment of every day.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

What would you have to give up to allow the Holy Spirit to control your life? What would you gain by the Holy Spirit controlling your life? In your heart, which do you want more? It really is your choice.

Because God is personal Spirit,
I will seek intimate fellowship with Him.

Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.

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