Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

Count On It!

Heaven and earth will disappear, but My words will remain forever" (Luke 21:33).

A woman received directions to a home for a baby shower, complete with the street name and the house number. But she never found the correct house and went home embarrassed. The next day she discovered some pranksters had switched several street signs in the area. She failed to reach her destination even though she had true directions.

If you have ever had an experience like that, you may be skeptical whenever you receive directions to an unfamiliar setting. That is how many people approach what God has said. They are not at all sure that His truth is absolutely accurate or applies to modern life. Maybe He has forgotten about a turn, a detour, or a switched street sign, they think. Times change, so how can we rely on truth given centuries ago?

Because God knows the end from the beginning, not one of His statements ever turns out to be a misdirection. He does not shade the truth or leave out an essential part. His absolute truth applies to every situation in history.

I encourage you to read Psalm 119, the greatest chapter in the Bible about the endurance and truth of God's Word. Verse 160 says, "All Your words are true; all Your just laws will stand forever."

Not only is God's truth absolute, but it lasts forever! We can count on it for eternity.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

Which is a more reliable compass: God's truth or your experience? In light of that, do you interpret God's truth through the grid of your experiences, or do you interpret your experiences through the grid of God's truth? Today, choose your starting point wisely.

Because God is absolute truth,
I will believe what He says and live accordingly.

Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.

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