What Others Are Saying About Cru

Endorsements from Seminary and University Leaders

Frank James (100x150)

Biblical Theological Seminary

Frank A. James III
President | Professor of Historical Theology

Cru has always had a daring and breathtaking vision for extending God's kingdom. It is a movement that is strategic and yet personal, global and yet local. Many of our students are in seminary because Cru was God's instrument in bringing them to faith in Christ. As a pioneering missional seminary, Biblical Seminary is a natural ally of this most missional movement known as Cru.

Wheaton College

Duane Litfin

My first exposure to Campus Crusade came in the early sixties, when I was drawn into a creative evangelistic effort at the University of Pennsylvania. Since then I have watched this ministry equip untold thousands of collegians to understand and share the Gospel. These collegians have in turn gone out to make a difference for Christ around the world. In this way God multiplied the vision, energy, and faithfulness of Bill and Vonette Bright into the global ministry Campus Crusade is today. I am gratefully confident that its best years are still ahead.

Dallas Theological Seminary

Mark L. Bailey, Ph.D.

God has been pleased to use Campus Crusade for Christ as a movement for His glory since 1951. All of us have been challenged by the focus of their mission and the magnitude of their vision. We at Dallas Theological Seminary are pleased to have Campus Crusade as a partner in the ministry of training men and women to share the message of Christ all over the world in these critical moments of history.

Phoenix Seminary

Wayne Grudem
Research Professor of Bible and Theology

God has used the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ in my own life in several ways: I first was taught how to share my faith with others through Campus Crusade's ministry in the summer of 1967, when I was a freshman at Harvard. My wife became a Christian through the ministry of Campus Crusade at University of Wisconsin -- Eau Claire in that same year. And our son Elliot, who is now a pastor, met his wife Kacey in the Campus Crusade ministry at Miami University of Ohio. As a seminary professor, I have taught many hundreds of Campus Crusade staff members, and I find them to be mature in their faith and strong in their whole-hearted commitment to Christ. As a couple, Margaret and I have found our marriage enriched through FamilyLife, a division of Campus Crusade. I thank God for all that He has done through this wonderful ministry.


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