The Rewards and Cost of the Great Commission

If Christ be God and died for me, there is nothing too great that I can do for Him." C.T. Studd.

Bill Bright

Just as God has used Paul and millions of others like him through the centuries, so is He looking for men and women in our time through whom He can accomplish mighty exploits for His kingdom.

Jesus said, “Go...and make disciples in all nations.” In order to make disciples, you must be a disciple yourself. The person who is committed to Christ, who understands how to walk in the fullness of the Spirit, is going to influence and help to produce the same kind of Christians.

Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Jesus also says, “Anyone who wants to be my follower must love me far more than he does his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, or sisters yes, more than his own life – otherwise he cannot be my disciple."

Following God's Call is Rewarding

For some, such a call to discipleship may sound too hard. Perhaps this thought was in Peter's mind when he said to Jesus, “We've given up everything to follow you.” And Jesus replied, “Let me assure you that no one has ever given up anything – home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, or property for love of me and to tell others the Good News, who don't be given back, a hundred times over, homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and land – with persecutions. All these will be his here on earth, and in the world to come he shall have eternal life.”

That this promise has been fulfilled in the lives of all who seek first Christ and His kingdom has been attested to times without number – not always in material things, of course, but in rewards far more meaningful and enriching.

I shall never forget Vonette's concern when I explained to her at the time of my proposal that, though I loved her dearly, I loved Jesus Christ more than I loved her and that He would always have first place in my life and in our home.

Although she did not understand such a “fanatical” attitude on my part at that time, she later surrendered her life to Christ and now says with me, “Christ is first in my life.”

It is because of our individual commitment to and love for Him that we love each other and are more considerate of each other all the more. Truly Christ has enriched our individual lives and our ministry far beyond anything we could ever have dared to dream. We say with the famous missionary statesman, C.T. Studd, “If Christ be God and died for me, there is nothing too great that I can do for Him.”

Opportunity to Commit

You and I have the privilege of being part of the most significant world-changing movement of all the centuries, the movement to help fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord in this generation. Will you surrender your life totally and unreservedly to Christ today and make yourself available to obey our Lord's command? It may mean sacrifice. Even martyrdom. But can you think of a greater leader to follow than the Lord Jesus Christ? Is there a greater cause than His to which you can give yourself? Will you, as an expression of your love and gratitude to Christ for what He has done for you and as an act of obedience to His command, help fulfill the Great Commission in this generation?

If it is your desire to commit yourself to help fulfill His command, make the following prayer your prayer:

“Dear Father in heaven, I stand at attention. I make myself available to You to do with as You wish. I surrender my life to the lordship of Jesus Christ totally, completely and irrevocably. I desire to be a man (woman) of God through whom You can bring Your message of love and forgiveness in Christ to all men everywhere.

“I invite You to cleanse me, to empower me, to lead me, to inspire me, to teach me, to enable me to do that which will bring the greatest honor and glory to Your name.

“Enable me by Your Holy Spirit to contribute my maximum time, talent and treasure to the fulfillment of the Great Commission in my time. I ask this in the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.”

If you prayed that prayer, you have made your commitment to Jesus Christ. Through the investment of your time, your talent and your treasure, you will help fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord in this generation. Remember, through the power of the indwelling Christ and the enabling of the Holy Spirit, you will help to change the world.

Remember, How You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission is a transferable concept. You can master it by reading it six times; then pass it on to others as our Lord commands us in Matthew 28:20: “Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” The apostle Paul encouraged us to do the same: “The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2).

Adapted from the Transferable Concept: How You Can Help Fulfill The Great Commission, by Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Cru. All rights reserved.

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