Study Guide

Learn more about how you can experience the adventure of giving with these study guides.

Bill Bright

Self-Study Guide

  1. Make a list of people you know who give faithfully to God's work. Ask them to share their experiences of joyful giving.
  2. Memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and meditate on it whenever you feel unthankful.
  3. Memorize Matthew 6:21. Evaluate your giving and spending habit to see where your treasure lies.
  4. Think of an instance in your life that illustrates the reasons giving is better than receiving.
  5. Memorize Philippians 4:19. Remind yourself of this verse each time your faith to give is tested.
  6. How have you been giving your time, talents and treasure to help fulfill the Great Commission? How do your gifts reflect a desire to see others accept God's love and forgiveness?
  7. Prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to help you set financial priorities. Write them down and review them each time you pay your bills or do your accounting.
  8. Examine your giving to missions to see if it reflects the priority you have set for it.
  9. In which areas of your life do you feel greedy or materialistic? How have these feelings affected your spiritual well-being?
  10. Is there any part of your finances that you have not completely surrendered to God? If so, why? What course of action do you plan to take to correct this matter?
  11. List ways to tithe your time and talents. How can you work them into your present schedule?
  12. Outline 1 John 2:15-17. How does this relate to your stewardship?

Group Discussion Questions

  1. To encourage one another, share with your group how God has blessed your giving.
  2. Do a group study of the parable found in Matthew 25:14-29 and list the characteristics you find in the good and bad stewards. Apply these to the way people live today.
  3. Share one way in which Satan tempts you to give less. Be specific. How can you overcome this temptation in the future?
  4. With your group, list several ways in which you can share your abundance with others in both material and non-material ways.
  5. Discuss with your group: Suppose a new Christian confides in you that he is afraid to give God control over his giving. How would you advise him?

Adapted from the Transferable Concept: How You Can Experience the Joy of Giving, by Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Campus Crusade for Christ. All rights reserved.


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