Today's Promise

Today's Promise

A Place Prepared for You

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (John 14:3, KJV).

Recently my 93-year-old father went to be with the Lord. Though I was saddened to realize that I would never see him again in this life, and I shed a few tears of sorrow for myself, at the same time I rejoiced in the knowledge that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

My father is now rejoicing in the presence of our wonderful God and Savior. One day I shall join with him, my mother (who is still living at 93), all my brothers and sisters who have declared their faith in Christ, and multitudes of other loved ones, friends and saints to spend eternity in that place where "eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard...what God hath prepared for those who love Him."

"I cannot think what we shall find to do in heaven," mused Martin Luther. "No change, no work, no eating, no drinking, nothing to do."

"Yes," responded a friend, "'Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.'"

"Why, of course," said Luther, "that sight will give us quite enough to do!"

Joy of joys, you and I not only have been given purpose and power for living the supernatural, abundant life - by the indwelling Holy Spirit - but we have also been promised a place in His presence when this life is over. And, as Luther realized, we will then worship Him face to face throughout the endless ages of eternity.

We need not know exactly what heaven will be like; we need only know who will be there - our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. That assurance and anticipation should motivate us to live the kind of supernatural life that burdens and concerns us about the needs of others, moment by moment, day by day.

Bible Reading: John 14:27-31

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: Today I will meditate on the glory and beauty of my heavenly Father and my eternal home where I shall worship and have fellowship with my Lord throughout eternity. I will encourage loved ones, friends and strangers alike to prepare to go there also when their work on earth is done

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