Today's Promise

Today's Promise

Power Over Nations

"To everyone who overcomes - who to the very end keeps on doing things that please Me - I will give power over the nations. You will rule them with a rod of iron just as My Father gave Me the authority to rule them; they will be shattered like a pot of clay that is broken into tiny pieces. And I will give you the Morning Star!" (Revelation 2:26-28).

I marvel at the numerous promises made to the overcomer, the one "who to the very end keeps on doing things that please Me." Now we are even promised power over the nations, as we rule and reign with our heavenly Father in that coming day.

As I ponder this verse, I see in a very few words the key to the entire Christian life - the one thing alone that will keep us victorious today, tomorrow, and throughout our lives. Again, it is that significant clause: "who to the very end keeps on doing things that please Me."

Lest you think that is an over simplification of the victorious Christian life, can you think of anything else God requires of us? And He even provides His Holy Spirit as an indwelling reminder of the daily victory He makes possible. This is the supernatural life. Earlier, we are told of a conquering Christ who will rule the nations of the earth with a rod of iron. This promise tells us that Christ will turn this power over to the conqueror - the overcomer - and his victorious companions in death.

Bible Reading: Psalm 2:1-12

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: I will trust the Lord to make being an overcomer a reality for me as a way of life - by the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit.

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