Today's Promise

Today's Promise

He Gives Good Gifts

"And you hardhearted, sinful men know how to give good gifts to your children, won't your Father in heaven even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask Him for them?" (Matthew 7:11).

"Daddy, we love you and want to do only that which pleases you." Do you know what I would do if my sons expressed their love for me and their trust in me in this way?

"I love you, too," I would tell them, as I put my arms around them and gave them a big hug. "I appreciate your offer to do anything I want. Your expression of love and faith is the greatest gift you can give me."

As a result, I am all the more sensitive and diligent to demonstrate my love and concern for them.

Is God any less loving and concerned for His children? Of course not. He has proven over and over again that He is a loving God. He is worthy of our trust. Further, He has the wisdom and power to do for us far more than we ever are able to do for our children.

"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those that ask Him?" (Matthew 7:11 NAS).

By our attitudes and actions, most of us say to God, "I don't love You. I don't trust You."

Can you think of anything that would hurt you more deeply, coming from your children? The average Christian is a practical atheist living as though God does not exist. Even though we give lip service to Him, we often refuse to trust and obey His promises as recorded in His Word.

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:7-11

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: Knowing that God wants to give me a supernatural, abundant life, I will trust and obey Him today in all that I do.

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