Today's Promise

Today's Promise

How to Be Fearless

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" (Psalm 27:1).

The psalmist David did not choose words carelessly - but under divine inspiration - when he spoke of lightand salvation.

Of all the memorials in Westminster Abbey, not one has a nobler thought inscribed on it than the monument to Lord Lawrence - simply his name, with the date of his death, and these words:

"He feared man so little because he feared God so much."

Charles H. Spurgeon gives some helpful insights into Psalm 27:1.

"In the New Testament, the idea which is hinted at in the language of David is expressly revealed as a truth. God does not merely give us His light. He is light, just as He is love in His own uncreated nature.

"God is light, 'John writes in his epistle,' and in Him is no darkness at all.' When John sought to teach us our Lord's Godhead as clearly and as sharply as possible, he calls Him the 'light,' meaning to teach us that as such He shares the essential nature of the Deity."

How wonderful that we need not live in darkness - in any sense of the word - but that we immediately can have the Light of Life, God Himself, available to us in the person of His indwelling Holy Spirit as well as in His inspired Word. Every prerequisite for the abundant, supernatural life has been made available to us, and access is immediate if we come to Him immediately with our needs.

Bible Reading: Psalm 27:2-6

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: With God's help, I will follow Him who is my light and my salvation. I will have no fear of men or circumstances.

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