Other Holidays

New Years

What to Put On and Off in the New Year

What to Put On and Off in the New Year

As the New Year begins, I have been thinking about how we are reminded to take off our old selves and clothe ourselves in our true identity in Christ. We are invited to put on our new identity.

Should I Dream Up Resolutions for 2017?

Should I Dream Up Resolutions for 2017?

The controversy of resolutions, what the Bible says about them, and how conversations about them can lead to the gospel.


Why Christians Can't Keep Resolutions

Why Christians Can't Keep Resolutions

Making New Year’s resolutions won’t make us better people, but being filled with the Holy Spirit will give us life.


Sticking with Your New Year’s Resolutions

Sticking with Your New Year’s Resolutions

Keeping with God’s growth plan and what I have learned from failing with my New Year’s resolutions in the past.

Valentine's Day

Can We Really Find True Love?

Can We Really Find True Love?

We go through tremendous effort to find or even just taste love. It is so powerful that for many, the meaning of life is finding true love. But what is love?

Do You Believe You're Loved Enough?

Do You Believe You're Loved Enough?

#LOVEDENOUGH: Coming to terms with the “ought-not-to-be-ness” around & inside us.


14 of God's Best Valentines

14 of God's Best Valentines

This Valentine’s Day may you experience God’s love in a deeper way by being reminded of 14 things about His love.


What Christians Miss When They Ignore Halloween

What Christians Miss When They Ignore Halloween

There are ways to make Halloween a day to spread the love of Christ.


Halloween: Why Make it One Pitch and Done?

Halloween: Why Make it One Pitch and Done?

How to use the season of several holidays in concert for better outreach results.


This Halloween, Turn the Lights On

This Halloween, Turn the Lights On

Perhaps this Halloween is the perfect opportunity to respond selflessly in love and care for our neighbors, as well as a way to fight our tendency to isolate.

Halloween Ideas for You

Halloween Ideas for You

There are plenty of ideas on how to use Halloween to build relational bridges with non-believers or to communicate the message of Christ. Here are a few suggestions for before, during or after the fall event.

Opportunity Knocks at Halloween

Opportunity Knocks at Halloween

Halloween, in spite of its darker elements, can be an ideal time to get acquainted with your neighbors. Build good will to later communicate the gospel to those who are coming to your front door.


I Don't Know What to Do for Thanksgiving!

I Don't Know What to Do for Thanksgiving!

7 practical ideas for honoring God and giving thanks in your Thanksgiving festivities.

Recipe for Hard Tack

Recipe for Hard Tack

Recipe from Bob Lepine (co-host of "FamilyLife Today" radio) for hard tack, which they eat during their Thanksgiving meal.


Share Freedom This July 4th

Share Freedom This July 4th

This Fourth of July, share what true freedom through Christ looks like on your social media with shareable verses and quotes.

Forgiving My Dad Set Us Both Free

Forgiving My Dad Set Us Both Free

I didn’t have as much time as I needed with my dad in my early years, but then one day God set things in motion, unexpectedly.

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