Life & Relationships

The Storyteller in Me

I was surprised by how fast the little storyteller in me spun the story "I am rejected." This was not the first time it happened. Each time I knew the rationale behind the person's behaviour. Yet knowing the reason did little to keep me from feeling rejected.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many countries have implemented physical distancing measures to prevent the spread of this virus. Since then, I have encountered several instances where someone was walking straight in my path, and when we were near each other, that person would intentionally walk to one side so as to avoid me.

Instantly, the feeling of rejection hit me. 



Within seconds, my mind pieced together all the information from that situation and in that instant, presented me with the story that the person has rejected me.

Do not worry, I was not overwhelmed with rejection.

But I could have been, if I had 'subscribed' to the story that my mind scripted.  Who knows—there might have been a part 1, part 2 and even part 3 of that story if I had 'followed' the series.

There is a little storyteller in our minds that is always churning out stories—using our assumptions, values and situations we encounter in life as material. There are the "I'm not good enough" stories, the "I'm not accepted" stories, the "I'm a failure" stories and many other different titles.

These stories are not true, though they seem to have a bit of truth in them.

However, when we 'subscribe' to any of these stories—like following a HBO channel like the "Game of Thrones", you may find yourself getting hooked to that storyline. When that happens over time, that 'story' becomes a 'reality' little by little.



So if you don't like the 'story' of a particular situation in your life, do the following:

1. Recognize that your mind likes to attach a meaning or create a story out of the situation you're in.

2. Question the story that your mind scripted.

  • Is this meaning/story always true?
  • What are the factors that make this meaning/story untrue?
  • Are there any other ways that I can look at the meaning/story of this situation?
  • What are the positive and negative impacts on me if I choose to 'subscribe' to this story/meaning?

3. Make a choice to reject or accept the 'story' of that situation. 



  1. How is this article true in my own life?
  2. How does a 'story' that I subscribe to become a reality over time?

*If you would like to go deeper and explore the above topic with the author, please contact him at 

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Ching Yet has been on staff with Cru for 23 years. He has worked with university students, working professionals and couples in achieving seismic shifts in their lives through making incremental shifts in their mindsets. He is currently the Team Lead of Healthcare Ministry in Cru, empowering healthcare students and professionals in living out their calling and potential. Always an avid learner, you can always find him learning something new at any moment and looking for opportunities to create value for others with what he has integrated.

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