What does Athletes in Action do?

Customised for Athletes

We understand that athletes are extremely busy people. Therefore, some of the programmes below can be tailored to your schedule, meeting you at a time that is convenient and addressing your needs.


Discipleship Group

Discipleship Group

  • Mentoring relationships
  • Personal growth
  • Small groups / 1 to 1
  • Athletes (Age 17+, Tertiary / Campus / National)
  • Frequency: bi-monthly / monthly
The Assist

The Assist

A gathering for communal learning that tackles critical issues in sports

  • Workshop style with small group discussions
  • In person / online
  • Athletes (Age 17+, Tertiary / Campus / National)
  • Frequency: monthly




Seasonal Bible study group

  • 3-5 sessions, once a month
  • Athletes (Age 17+, Tertiary / Campus / National)
Ultimate Training Camp

Ultimate Training Camp

Ultimate Training Camp (UTC) is a unique camp experience for competitive athletes that will challenge their view on integrating faith and sports using five core Biblical Principles and interactive sport sessions.

  • Yearly, 4 days 4 Nights camp
  • Athletes (Age 17+, Tertiary / Campus / National). Athletes below 17 will be considered on a case by case basis


Athlete Retreat

Athlete Retreat

  • Alignment / reflection time about God & ministry
  • Equipping on how to multiply your faith
  • Athletes (Age 17+, Tertiary / Campus / National)
  • Biannually


Taking a gap year to train and compete? Consider joining us! Experience serving God in the Athletes in Action ministry full-time, while having time to train

  • Athletes (Age 17+, Tertiary / Campus / National)
  • Customisable based on your semester break

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