Western Visayas

Student-led Movements


  • We praise God for the opportunity to journey with our Sri Lankan NST (Ayesha, Isther, Anuja, Roshana) as their training team the past ministr year. Praise God that all of them were commissioned as a New Staff last May 3, 2024. We praise God as well for the opportunity to coach them as they do their DMPD Training in the Philippines.

  • We thank the Lord for the continuous spiritual movement in the campuses in Western Visayas led by our Korean teammates and student leaders while we do DMPD in Manila.

  • Praise God for the time to meet new Ministry Partners and to spend another meaningful time with our existing Ministry Partners during this year’s DMPD. We also praise God for the meaningful vision trip to Taiwan for our Korean Teammates (Tim and Lydia Family, 7 Iloilo Stinters).

Prayer Requests:

  • May the Lord sustain us as we continue to trust Him for completing our needs for another ministry year. Praying for the favor of abundance support and that we will be able to finish on time this year.

  • Praying for strength and wisdom for our Korean teammates and student leaders as they took over the ministry while the Filipino full-time staff are on their DMPD. We also pray for a smooth preparation for another Summer Korean Hybrid Project this July.

  • Please pray for a meaningful and fruitful sabbatical time for our teammates Joerson (will end this middle of June) and Ate Sheree (will start this July).

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