Central Visayas

Student-led Movements


  • Praise God for the success of our Leaders Congress (LC) last February 9-11, 2024. 51 students all over Central Visayas (Cebu & Bohol) were able to join the LC. 28 students were trained in evangelism and 13 students in discipleship.  During the witnessing blitz, 111 people got the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Thanking God also for His grace and sustaining us with His strength with all the changes in date and venue.

  • Praise God for the lives of our students in Bohol. BISU (Bohol Island State University) students are already meeting for their weekly gathering after Korean Hybrid. They started also to share the Gospel with other students after their weekly gathering.


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for 100% DMPD Clearance for our team. Pray that we will experience God and His abundant provision for us.

  • Pray for the students involved in CV. Pray that they would continue to seek Jesus even as they spend their summer break. Pray that grow in their biblical conviction. Pray for opportunities that they can share the Gospel with their family members this summer.

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