Journey with Us




Our Mission

To be a major catalyst in developing Christ-centered multiplying disciples to strategically fulfill the Great Commission for transformation

Our Vision

Movements of Christ-centered multiplying disciples until everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus

Our Values

Love for God
Love for the Lost
Commitment to one another
Faithful Stewardship
Ministry Fruitfulness







Today’s college students are tomorrow’s world leaders. Imagine the changes the world would see if every one of the 110 million college students had an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel every year.We want to see students everywhere embrace the purpose, love and forgiveness that God offers them in a relationship with Jesus Christ.


Every day, leaders in business and government make influential decisions that reverberate through society. How different our world would be if those decisions were being made by men and women who were truly following Jesus. We want to help build spiritual movements among leaders so their influence can be used by God to draw people everywhere to himself.


As innovators in tools for evangelism and discipleship, we help the body of Christ win, build and send people. We are also helping to plant churches in the most unreached regions of the world through JESUS Film translations and mission trips.


Recognizing that many people worldwide are using the Web to explore spirituality, we see Internet evangelism and discipleship as a key component to helping people begin a relationship with God and truly follow Jesus.

History of Campus Crusade for Christ

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