
How much is it?

Travel. Housing. Food. Ministry Supplies. Mission Activities. The overall cost varies for each Summer Mission location and length. Check out each individual Summer Mission for details.

Here is the big thing we want you to know: God faithfully provides for what He calls us to do!

Funding a Missions Trip is different. Unlike a high school band trip or personal educational experience, this is God's mission and God's people will be sending you through their prayers and financial contributions. Don't plan to pay for this trip all out of your own pocket – create space for God to provide for you in this faith-growing way.

I know it sounds hard to believe—but fellow believers want to give to missionaries (like yourself) who are going to reach others with the gospel.

Think of it this way: If you don't ask people to support you with prayer and finances, you are denying them the opportunity to invest in God's kingdom. By seeking support, you are no longer representing yourself—but the whole body of Christ, His Church, is behind you as you go to the world with His good news.

<< What's it like? <<                 >> Getting a job >>

>> Learn how to fund your trip <<


Questions? email Summer.Missions@cru.org

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