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Getting a job

Let's Get a Job

Let's transform the way you think about work this summer. It's no longer punching in, getting things done, and then clocking out so you can do what you want. On various Summer Missions with Cru across the United States you can get a job – not only to make money – but also to make an impact at your workplace.

Beyond the spiritual growth, outreaches, and community that go with Summer Missions, you will be trained in how to effectively develop relationships at your workplace, transition to the Gospel, and connect with those who don't know Jesus. Your workplace is a part of your summer mission (and in a popular vacation destination like in a city, in the mountains, or at a beachside resort town).

After all, isn't this what you'll be doing for the next forty years?

Whether you are called to be an engineer, nurse, business executive, or teacher, you are called as God's ambassador wherever you work and live.

Learn the skills necessary to fulfill both callings.

Internships for college credit are also an option while on a summer mission or you can intern with Cru.

Find locations where you can get a job.


<< How much is it? <<                 >> Info for Parents >>


Questions: email Summer.Missions@cru.org


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