
What will I do?

Go with a team of other students

Depending on your location, you could wake up to the sound of crashing waves, or the sight of sunbeams reflected by frost-laden mountains or glass and steel skyscrapers all summer long. You’ll live with 10-30 (international) or 30-150 students (stateside) in apartments, hotel rooms, dorms or a huge house. It’s all the fun of freshman year dorm-life without having to go to class! Your roommates and fellow students will become some of your closest friends – the community aspect of a Summer Mission is truly unmatched.

Grow closer to God

Summer Missions are known for challenging students to pursue a deep, life-long personal walk with God. You’ll be encouraged to make your personal time with God a top priority. An eager team of Cru staff members and volunteers will help you in this, offering accountability and support as you learn about God’s character and His Word. You will also be exploring Scripture through weekly gatherings and small group Bible studies that are thorough, faith-building and applicable to your everyday life. We know you’ll leave amazed at how much God has taught you in a few short weeks!

Experience the meaning of community

Deep, life-long friendships are often the result of the grace and truth-filled community environments of a Summer Mission. You’ll live with anywhere from 10-150 of your peers from schools across the nation. All of you will have come together for the common pursuit of growing in your walks with God and making Him known. This is community at its best.

Learn how to lead

Summer Missions are designed to develop you as a leader. You’ll get to be hands-on with different aspects of ministry. You’ll leave with a solid Biblical foundation and practical ministry skills. The hope is that you will become an effective Christ-centered leader both on your campus and in whatever field God calls you to after college.

Bring the gospel to people who need Jesus

Throughout the summer, you’ll be reaching out to your ministry focus—the specific community you will be ministering to over the summer. At many stateside summer mission locations your ministry focus includes serving coworkers and the local community on the job. For other locations, the ministry focus could be people who live in the surrounding community, classmates, students attending a nearby university or with visiting tourists. Whatever your ministry focus, you will be trained to love those people well, serve them and share your faith with them. Imagine sharing the love of Christ with sunbathers on the beach, students on an international campus, fellow hotel housekeepers, national park guests—who knows who you’ll meet!

See the world through God's eyes

Spiritual mentors and staff will help deepen your walk with the Lord through sharing ministry experiences with you and simply living life alongside you. Also, look forward to spending time with other students in small groups, studying God’s Word and exploring His longing for the nations to know Him.

Learn to articulate the gospel to anyone, anywhere

Over the course of the summer, you’ll be trained in communicating your faith with non-believers and believers. You’ll gain practical skills to help you apply Jesus’ teachings to your own life and pass them on to others. You'll spend dedicated time to practice what you learn, and become confident in talking with anyone, anywhere.

Get a job

Yes, you heard right–you can get a job at certain U.S. Summer Mission locations! More details can be found on each locations page (check out “Explore Projects” for those links).



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