
The Last Barrier (linguistics)

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The Last Barrier Initiative is a pioneering ministry of Cru which aims at using the latest in linguistic research and technology to address one of the biggest remaining barriers to the Great Commission being fulfilled – language. Missionaries on the field in frontier locations will often struggle to acquire the local heart language of the people they seek to reach if there are no language schools. If missionaries fail to acquire the local language within the first 3-5 years, they often lose heart and return home. This is an utterly preventable waste of kingdom talent. In addition, indigenous Christians from non-English speaking backgrounds are also held back by lack of access to an international language such as English with which they can communicate with other people groups, access resources, and advocate for their ministry’s needs.

Cru has pioneered a language learning program specifically designed to help missionaries acquire language on the field. Unlike usual language acquisition programs, this program helps missionaries leverage the resources in the community and environment around them to help them learn effectively wherever they are. The Last Barrier Initiative is focused on making this program available in the minority languages it is needed for the Great Commission to reach the last corners of the earth. If you have a background in education or linguistics and would like to use these skills for the Lord, we want to hear from you!

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