
South Africa - Pretoria/Mamelodi

Sponsored by Open to All / Initiated by Cru Ministries in MA, ME, NY

In 2007 a group from Boston went to South Africa and returned in 2008. Attempting to launch a movement on a branch campus of the University of Pretoria in Mamelodi, a black township of over a million people on the eastern side of Pretoria, the team made a surprising discovery. There were almost no students on campus and the few there were white. Up to that time, the group from the Northeast had seen no other white people in Mamelodi. The reason there were so few students is only a handful in the entire township passed the entrance exam into college. And these students from Harvard and MIT had one particular skill they had already demonstrated they were as capable in as anyone in the world: they could pass standardized tests and get into some of the finest universities on the planet. So a tutoring program was set up, the Mamelodi Initiative. And to this point, all the students who have completed the program have passed their entrance exam to get into college! A movement is being launched, now that there are students with which to launch it.

Summer and winter mission teams from the Northeast have been sent to South Africa every year since 2007. And in 2015, the first STINT team was sent. Pound for pound, it is hard to imagine a group more effective than that team.

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